META: Super uneven audio levels on podcasts and youtube

Submitted by ImRightYouKnow on September 15th, 2023 at 4:26 PM

It seems like this has always been an issue, but today's episode seems to be really uneven. Brian's volume is audible, but then Seth can barely be heard. Last week, one of the Sklars was barely audible as well.   When I listen, it's a pain to constantly have to adjust audio up/down constantly. 

Don't know if it's a Signalwire issue, but maybe the crew could find a way to normalize the audio levels going forward?


September 15th, 2023 at 4:41 PM ^

Yeah, but software has built in auto-leveling. Zoom and Microsoft Teams (which is basically what SignalWire is) manage to do this on the fly without issue. I'm on virtual calls all day, and it manages to level out everything from the dude with the podcast mic set up to the person using their laptop mic 5 feet away.

It's actually a terrible ad for their software.


September 15th, 2023 at 5:05 PM ^

Does their software have auto-leveling? I'm not making an excuse for inaudible podcasts, just saying that the tools available and how the content was originally recorded makes a big difference. Recording a zoom interview is easy, as is recording content in a studio environment with professional equipment and an engineer. The chasm between the two can be a nightmare.


September 15th, 2023 at 8:33 PM ^

The other guys are coming in via signalwire but you're getting my audio mixed in from my computer. I remixed before I sent out the version on the podcast feed, which seemed to be fine.

When we do audiochecks beforehand Brian's always having me turn mine down. I don't know why I come in so loud to him but not the rest of you. I do watch the bars when we're recording though.

Sir Guy

September 15th, 2023 at 6:00 PM ^

It can be, but it's also the most important thing. People forgive bad video much quicker than bad audio. The amount of differential in volume levels is at the unforgivable level here. It's not hard to produce a product that's better than this. It's hard for me to not get frustrated while listening to this, which means I'm not actually listening to what they're saying.


September 15th, 2023 at 4:44 PM ^

I highly recommend Roku's streambar. It self-levels audio and I can pull it up on Youtube or the Spotify app. 

I like spotify because I can play through the streambar and then transition to my phone if I need to go to the garage. 

Swayze Howell Sheen

September 15th, 2023 at 5:20 PM ^

yes, this was brutal and made the MGoRadio (which is quite fun generally) essentially unlistenable.

Seth barely audible, Brian loud, the guest Greg almost sounded like he was yelling.

Please fix if you can!


September 16th, 2023 at 10:54 AM ^

I've complained about the TruStage ads popping up and the podcast audio. I do get the ad issue as being harder to fix and more of something I need to put up with because it's free content. But a lot of people are telling MGoBlog that they don't listen to the podcasts anymore because of the audio issues. So that's not great for business and since all podcasts are free to listen to they need as many people listening as possible to keep sponsors locked in. Unless they have awesome sponsors who aren't incredibly sensitive about the size of audience they reach.

I do feel for Seth because I think the size of MGoBlogs readership/customer base is bigger than they can support from an infrastructure standpoint. A good problem for a niche business like this but the glitchy site and poor audio are signs of business needing to invest in it's infrastructure to support it's growth. 


September 15th, 2023 at 6:10 PM ^

Lighting is simple; sound is very difficult to capture and balance. Yes, you can compensate, somewhat, with decent post-recorded software but unless the mics are placed evenly and their associated channels are mixed properly? It's going to be pretty frustrating for the audience. 🫤


September 15th, 2023 at 7:23 PM ^

I run every day and have always looked forward to the podcasts.  I've kinda given up on listening during my run though because of the damage it does to my ears.  

But it's free!  So I've thought "do you really have a right to bitch about stuff like this?"  More even levels would improve the experience though, and maybe expand listenership, so doing my part to offer commentary that maybe helps with that.  Otherwise, please keep them coming, and I now listen in the car.