M00N Game Open Thread (Plus others)

Submitted by Muttley on

(25)Minnesota kicks off @(23)Nebraska @M00N time


Other noon games include:

@(6)Ohio St. vs Indiana
@(11)Michigan St. vs Rutgers
Penn St. vs @Illinois
Northwestern vs @Purdue
@(10)Georgia vs Charleston Sou.
@(21)Oklahoma vs Kansas


Perkis-Size Me

November 22nd, 2014 at 2:09 PM ^

Tevin Coleman is my hero.

As much as I want to be the team that ends OSU's playoff hopes, I'd love for Indiana to be able to do it too. If there was ever a team that needed a program-changing win, it was Indiana.

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November 22nd, 2014 at 2:18 PM ^

I'm usually not the fan that enjoys the misery of our rivals more than our own success but OSU losing today would probably feel about as good as us winning today. But I guess that's just where we are with our program right now.


November 22nd, 2014 at 2:20 PM ^

The nightmare scenerio for Michigan might be unfolding.  OSU wins the game but does so ugly so next week they need massive style points to get back into consideration for the "final four".  Which may lead to a revisiting of the 1968 score.

The good news is that curbstomping led to the CC that brought us Bo.  Perhaps history will be kind and will repeat itself.



November 22nd, 2014 at 2:33 PM ^

Gardner is a turnover machine which means short fields for OSU's offense, UM's offense produces three-and-outs like China produces knock offs, and the special teams will have some type of gaffe. We musn't forget the defense's inability to create turnovers or to sack the QB vs good teams.