Jon Falk is back

Submitted by Gordon on
Jon Falk is back as Michigan's equipment manager, on at least an interim basis. Possibly permanent. Jon did not want to leave originally, and Hackett and Manuel are putting things back in the proper spot whenever possible.


February 18th, 2016 at 1:32 PM ^

NO SHIT?!?!?! Welcome home Big Jon!!! It's HAPPENING!!! "When Bo announced he was stepping down at Michigan, I cleaned out his locker. Later that day, Bo went to workout, and his locker was all cleaned out. No shirts, no shoes, nothing. I told Bo that it's customary at Michigan to clean out the lockers of staff when they leave. They come and they go Hobbs, they come and they go!" Big Jon is coming back to Michigan!!


February 18th, 2016 at 1:29 PM ^

Like others, I was very bummed when he left and felt he deserved far better than to be an apparent victim of a certain CEO's attempt at surrounding himself with a cult of bland personality. 

The part of me that works for a large corporation sort of wonders if he gets both the pension and the salary for returning. It's definitely why virtually everyone here retires then returns about a month later as part of the contract workforce, but of course none of those people had to endure leftover Domino's, if you will.

Joking aside though, very good news and welcome back, Jon Falk!


February 18th, 2016 at 1:41 PM ^

From what I can tell, and from what I'd expect, Falk will come back into his old position and slowly ease off his responsibilities until he is Equipment Manager Emeritus or something like that.

At the end of the day, Falk will be brought back so he can do what he loves and leave entirely on his own terms whenever that day comes.


February 18th, 2016 at 2:14 PM ^

Almost done with Endzone, any chance that Hackett and Manuel get back any of the people that Brandon chased off?  I knew some of them like Madej, but it seemed like there was a slew of great people that were passionate about the University, well connected, and did a very good job.

I'm guessing not too many of them as they are either retired or landed on their feet in a lateral move or a promotion.  Certainly an eye opening book. 


February 18th, 2016 at 3:02 PM ^

- There's a lot of people that never really left (like Falk and Madej) who would be welcomed back as soon as possible.  That ASAP means whenever those that replaced them leave, or whenever they can find the appropriate fit for them.

- Retirement and "retirement" are two different things, as seen today.  If they "retired", I'm sure they'd be open to coming back under the old/new Michigan of Hackett/Manuel.

Cliff Keen

February 18th, 2016 at 2:21 PM ^

I haven't posted in like six year but here goes...I know John Falk is the equivalent of the Pope to some on here but let's remember that despite his shameless self promotion, he's just an equipment manager who most of you have never met.  Yes, he has written a few books where he recycled stories that any true Michigan fan would already know but at the end of the day let's stop thinking he walks on water or that he is any smarter than the equipment manager at Ohio State, MSU or any other Big Ten school because he isn't.  With that in mind, I feel inclined to share my John Falk story from 1992.  I had just earned my varsity letter as a freshman.  Growing up in Columbus and wanting to go to Michigan since I was 8, getting my varsity jacket was a pretty deal to me.  I went down to Schembechler hall to pick up my varsity jacket, and as the equipment manager, Falk was in charge of handing out varsity jackets back then.  When I got to Schembechler Hall, he was busy riding an exercise bike.  I told him that I was there to pick up my varsity jacket.  His response was basically that I would have to come back later because he was busy.  When I reminded that I was there to pick up my jacket, he basically said the same thing again - I'm busy.  Finally, I made it clear that I wasn't coming back to get my jacket.  He then responded by telling me that I would have to get it myself then because he wasn't getting off the bike.  So as he pointed out where to get my jacket, I climbed up the ladder in the equipment room, pulled it out of the bin, and left with my varsity jacket while he never got off of his exercise bike.  That being said, I'm sure he is a great equipment manager.  Just like Peyton Manning is a great guy. 


February 18th, 2016 at 2:57 PM ^

It's not that people are treating Jon as the equivalent of the Pope (not going there, the Pope is just a man). They treat a man who devoted 40 years of his life to making sure punk ass Freshmen get their jackets, their pads, their helmets, their jerseys and most of all how to show respect. He apparently tried to teach you a life lesson and it was one you failed and still haven't learned. No matter how important something is to you the world does not have to stop because you want it now.


February 18th, 2016 at 2:29 PM ^

"Retiring" Falk was obviously another Brandon fkup....however some of the blame has to go to Brady Hoke as well.  He should have put his foot down on this, legends jerseys, hash tags, etc. but he didnt.  Hoke was either a puppet, clueless or both.