Hypothetically, who exactly would fire Brandon procedurally?

Submitted by JClay on

We've talked alot about Brandon potentially getting fired and the Board of Regents dislike for him, but one thing I'm not clear on is from a procedural standpoint, who would fire Brandon? Does the Board of Regents have the actual authority to do this, or only the President? Do they have to be in agreement? 


September 24th, 2014 at 3:16 PM ^

No experience at all with this at all, but I imagine the board of regents have the authority to do that. I imagine that Pres. Schlissel can ask the board of regents to fire him w/o having to jump through a lot of hoops, given that the regents have become bored with his antics.

Regents can fire w/o Schlissel's input; Schlissel can ask them to do it and they probably would given what he's done.

In another universe where Michigan won the Nat'l Championship last year, Schlissel would probably have to prove that DB was going to sell the team to Ohio State to get DB canned.

Bando Calrissian

September 24th, 2014 at 3:19 PM ^

The President in consultation with the Board of Regents. Though I would hope if Brandon were to go, he'd be strongly encouraged to resign himself and actually do it, rather than be publicly fired. When Tom Goss resigned, it was well known Lee Bollinger was going to fire him if he didn't.


September 24th, 2014 at 4:51 PM ^

Besides the "halo," there was dealing with the basketball team sanctions, the Jamal Crawford fiasco and the Brian Ellerbe hiring.  Football was doing good, but it was very dark days for the basketball team.  Still, I don't remember disliking Goss, or at least not anywhere near as much as DB


September 24th, 2014 at 3:21 PM ^

Here's a publicly available copy of the contract between Dave Brandon and the University. After a quick skim: The AD reports directly to the President (page 4). The two signatures on the contract are MSC and Brandon (page 14). I'm not a lawyer, but based on that it looks like the President makes the decision on termination. 


edit dang you guys are fast


September 24th, 2014 at 4:36 PM ^

"University" is not defined in the contract though if what I know about these sorts of things is correct the Regents bestow, through agency, upon the President the ability to enter into contracts, etc.  That said, I'm sure "the University" encompasses the Board of Regents and if Schlissel isn't about that life, they could fire Brandon without cause.  Someone feel free to correct me.


September 24th, 2014 at 3:22 PM ^

Goss "resigned" rather than be fired so I am sure it will be the same way here.  Dave might even write a blog and if it is anything like how it works for S&P 500 CEOs who are about to be canned he will "resign to spend more time with my family."


September 24th, 2014 at 3:22 PM ^

Here's your speculative rumor from a friend of a friend.  


Friend of mine (Very close friend who I trust outright) texts me today saying he knows someone with ties inside the organization and he's saying Brandon will be gone and looks like very soon.  Attached is the screenshot of the screenshot of that original conversation.  

Anyway, outside of the obvious speculation and dismissive questions about who this could be or if it's all just a farce, you'll notice a referrence that the Persident starts the motion and it's rubber stamped by the Regeants.  


So, on that note, carry on.  


September 24th, 2014 at 4:40 PM ^

The reason for that is most guys with good looking wives are simply content with the fact that they have good looking wives.  Making them message board fodder is kind of creepy.  I'd in no way post a picture of my wife on here, but I'd be less opposed to posting a gif of some random girl who I don't even know. 


September 24th, 2014 at 4:36 PM ^

I should show you my text history with Kate Upton.  It conspicuously details the exact question posed by the OP, and the reactions seem very rehearsed on both sides, but trust me.  It's not just me texting back and forth between me and my roommates phone or something.  And she's a big fan of ole 1484...


September 24th, 2014 at 3:26 PM ^

I would actually much prefer a world where Brandon is out on his ass and Hoke gets elevated to AD, a role where his likeability and love of the school would be a pretty big asset.