Has anyone tried Woodson Whiskey?

Submitted by cKone on May 11th, 2021 at 1:24 PM

I'm curious if anyone has tried Woodson Whiskey yet.  I didn't see anything in the search and wasn't aware that he opened a bourbon distillery until recently.  From what I see it's small batch, fast aged bourbon and was curious of what other Mgoblog users thought.  I'm no bourbon expert, but I have a summer party coming up where we do a drunken pink elephant (Pink elephant gift exchange with all the gifts being alcohol) and I thought this may be a hit this year since those involved are either Michigan, Packers or Raiders fans.

Give me your reviews. 


May 11th, 2021 at 1:40 PM ^

My group of friends split a bottle of Woodson Red at a dinner party we had a while ago and I was pleased with it.  Since I'm not a bourbon drinker I thought I would ask. 

If I get a bottle it will be for the party I mentioned so I may not get to sample it depending on who ends up with it. We don't all get along.  hahaha.


Broken Brilliance

May 11th, 2021 at 1:32 PM ^

I have two fifths of the third batch. They shipped in like March and I waited until NFL draft day to mix it into some smoked old fashioneds. Tried a few pulls the other night. Not a ton of depth or body to it due to the fast aging but I'm happy to support CW's venture and the bottle looks sweet.


May 11th, 2021 at 3:32 PM ^

Can you even find it? I've wanted to try it but keep forgetting during the order period. It always sells out fast. I haven't looked that hard for it, but whenever I check I can't seem to find any available right now. I'd be interested if you snagged some.


May 11th, 2021 at 1:33 PM ^

I havent but I'll bet it's OK, nothing terribly special.

And what's with all the retired athletes, actors and musicians ALL wanting to have their own whiskey, tequila or other spirits? I mean you cant buy a bottle of anything anymore that a celebrity didnt have something to do with.

Whatever happened to the good old days when these guys all opened car dealerships to capitalize on their name recognition?  Mel Farr Superstar Bourbon doesnt have the same panache now does it?


May 11th, 2021 at 2:40 PM ^

Would you think alcohol is a lower investment than a car dealership with a much bigger upside? 

how much did Ryan Reynolds cash out of Aviation Gin? $620 million? Did Clooney get a liquidation event? 

Perhaps their brand sells better with alcohol instead of cars? Maybe people are more ready to by alcohol from someone known to have partied with the best of the best rather than buy a car from them they haven’t driven in years. When do you think was the last time Woodson drove a Chevy Equinox or something comparable? 


May 11th, 2021 at 1:44 PM ^

I've had several bottles of his wines - Red Blend, Cab, and Pinot Noir.  They are all pretty solid wines.  Even my Buckeye wife likes them (although she's always been a Woodson fan).

Rufus X

May 11th, 2021 at 2:05 PM ^

I am a bourbon guy.  I bought two fifths of the second batch. 

It is nothing special. Not really very remarkable in flavor or smooth. I would say it is overpriced based on the overall experience. But hey, if Chuck's involved I'll probably buy more.  It's a great gift for a fellow Michigan fan that likes bourbon, if only for the cache associated with #2.  



May 11th, 2021 at 2:25 PM ^

It's terrible.  You should wait until he's had time to properly age a bottle.  They are aged only 6 months with "Accelerated aging" or something like that. 

I'd buy Jim Beam over this if it weren't for the name recognition.


May 11th, 2021 at 3:35 PM ^

It’s underaged 80 proof whiskey as huge bourbon collector I’ll pass. Do what everyone else does buy some aged MGP stuff and sell it. 

6th Blagdon

May 11th, 2021 at 3:52 PM ^

I’ve got the first bottling and then the second (Maize and Blue) bottling.  Solid bourbon.  I’m still not sold on the accelerated aging process they use which hypothetically ages the whiskey a few years in a matter of months by bombarding the barrels with ultrasound waves.   It’s a tasty bourbon but not overly complex.  It’s not a bad deal for the piece overall.


May 12th, 2021 at 8:58 AM ^

Thank you all for the input.  I will get the bottle and use it as my gift in the drunken elephant that we are having this summer.  If nothing else, the novelty of it should be a success.  I don't believe anyone that is there is a bourbon aficionado and several people there may try to steal it if it's opened early.


May 13th, 2021 at 10:16 AM ^

I'm weary of anything that quickens the aging process. 


Cleveland whiskey is the equivalent of drinking a steel toed boot, and that's the shit they try and pull.  They only sell it because people around here like having a bottle that says Cleveland on it.