Game of Thrones... best episode ever...

Submitted by jdon on

Are we not doing this regularily?


Best episode so far.

I'm not lieing when I say I got goosebumps when Sansa walked in the door.  It has been so long, waiting for a Stark reunion...


For this reason alone I am not a show over books fan.





edit:  I changed the title.  Sorry dudes.  I was just overwhelmed.



May 15th, 2016 at 11:53 PM ^

I wonder what the next surprise is.  Things are moving very quickly right now to the point where I finally believe that they could wrap it all up with this year plus another 13 episodes (or whatever the purported number was).

I wonder what is going to come of Jorah's greyscale?  

I expect Dany to land in dorne (Kings landing?) by the end of this season.  I expect greyscale to breakout before that and throw a huge wrench in her army.  (Basically replacing the flux outside mereen with greyscale inside)...

any other ideas?



May 16th, 2016 at 10:05 AM ^

I can see the final image of the season being the camera panning out to a fleet of ships carrying the Dothraki army across the narrow sea to Westeros, with a dragon flying across the screen the instant before the credits roll.

A Fan In Fargo

May 15th, 2016 at 11:49 PM ^

Right up there with the best. It's really hard to rank that though. There are so many good ones. I have a feeling there will be more even better. Whenever Aria gets to kill Cersei, Walter Frey and The Mountain will be my favorite. Jon getting to kill the Kingslayer and Ramsey are also much anticipated hopes of mine. Go Thrones!


May 16th, 2016 at 12:03 AM ^

I got a gift last Xmas of the series of 5 books. Had several other books to finish up but looking for a good summer read. I suppose with causual reading I can finish one book per month. I don't have HBO, so only got to see the series a few times while visiting relatives with HBO.


May 16th, 2016 at 8:13 AM ^

My favorite was the third book.  Maybe GRRM started to lose interest after that.  As noted everywhere, he's not afraid to kill off major characters.  One meme shows him with the caption of "Have a favorite character?  Not any more."  Oh, and he gives long and detailed descriptions of food.  (Many, many mentons of dishes such as lamprey pie.)


May 16th, 2016 at 1:26 PM ^

is that we *might* not get an end to the book series. He's taking forever to get it done and has a ton of plot lines to tie up.


I'd read them, but just keep that in mind. I wouldn't get too invested in them yet. 




May 16th, 2016 at 1:27 AM ^

Once again a fantastic episode! Brienne might have found a man that can handle her. Sansa is gonna be the mind while Jon is the sword. Even though I'm not a Lannister fan I wanna see them get revenge on the holier than thou sect. The sneak peak of next week makes me worried about Bran. Damn. Littlefinger might be in serious trouble. Danny is a badass. Unlike the post above I didn't see that shit coming and was laughing with glee when those bastards were burning. So much going on, and so much on the horizon. GOT is by far my favorite show ever. No contest. Favorite episode so far? Has to be the fight between the Viper and the Mountain.

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May 16th, 2016 at 6:31 PM ^

Loved that fight scene, was well done using speed and elusiveness against brute force and strength, the sudden turn of events was fantastic, as was everyone's reactions to it.  Ellaria's scream was the perfect mix of surprise and horror.

My favoried fight though was between the Hound and Brienne, only because she started off using fighting technique then realized that the Hound was not going to fight fair, and it became an outright brawl. 

Eastside Maize

May 16th, 2016 at 6:03 AM ^

come and see. I loved the episode. Cersei is losing influence rapidly, even Maester Pycelle gave her a stare down. The Flayed Man banner will be trampled soon enough. Kingsmoot! Kingsmoot!


May 16th, 2016 at 1:00 PM ^

OK, I'm sure this will be heresy to book fans, but... as presented in the series so far, the entire Greyjoy/Pyke storyline and all the characters up to and including Theon are complete sidetracks from the main thrust of the story.

Perhaps in the books there's a reason the Greyjoys play any part in the unfolding events, but in this TV series they have done nothing, contributed nothing (save giving us a chance to see Ramsay's sadism, but there's no shortage of that). Theon burnt down Winterfell, but Hell, Ramsay lives there now, so how bad can that have even been?

They have nothing to do with:

Events in King's Landing and the war (which they call the War of 5 Kings, but we never saw the Ironborn do much of anything);

Dany and her development into a righteous ruler;

Events at and beyond the Wall, including the Walkers.

Seriously, as put forth in the series (I have not read the books clearly) in what way would the story be changed if the entire Ironborn subplot and all Greyjoys were simply excised fom the storyline?

I say this as the poster abvove is very excited about the Kingsmoot, and I am mystified why?


May 17th, 2016 at 9:31 AM ^

Victarion isn't in the show but Asha going to rescue Theon after receiving a, uh, piece of Theon.  I'm not really sure what was important in the books that wasn't shown so far in the show.  You basically miss a bit of Damphair and Victarion.  All the "important" stuff in the books with the Greyjoys happens after the Kingsmoot.  So I think Asha is going to take over Victarion's part and it will be pretty cool.


May 16th, 2016 at 7:55 AM ^

Best episode ever because Dany actually did something aside from announcing her 5 minute title roll call?  Decent episide, hardly best ever.

As far as spoilery aspect is concerned.  I think 24hrs is fair game.


May 16th, 2016 at 8:56 AM ^

Ok, Littlefinger should be flying from the Moon Door. He said they got jumped by Bolton men. Can't Royce just go" Um, hey, soldiers, did you guys get jumped by Bolton men?" "Nope, we trotted right into Winterfell and left Sansa there." "Ok, that's what I thought. Moon door!"


May 16th, 2016 at 9:36 AM ^

I think Cersei is planning a double cross on the ol Tyrell's.  Not sure how that impacts Margaery, though & the Tommen repercussions but the boy is easily swayed.


May 16th, 2016 at 10:03 AM ^

not even the best episode of the season. It was a water episode needed to get critical elements closer to their goals.

My favorite part was the Small Council meeting, where Cersi gave a hint at the Clegane Bowl to come...where Cersi said, as part of her plan to bring down the High Sparrow, that she would have her trial in front of the 7. You just know she will seek a trial by combat and anoint Franken-Mountain as her champion. The High Sparrow will then turn to the Dog...I think that will be an episode 8 match.


May 17th, 2016 at 7:45 AM ^

Ian McShane is playing a monk (maybe priest) who restores a "thought to be dead" character to the series.  All evidence points to this being the Hound, who is going to get religion.

I'm going to be interersted to see what the producers do to get me to care which side wins the Battle of the Cleganes.  The Mountain is certainly the less sympathetic character, but the High Sparrow isn't a very sympathetic sponser.