Game Day Signs

Submitted by backusduo on

My 9 year old and I are getting ready for the game and working on our signs for her to hold up.  Would appreciate any suggestions or thoughts on what we have come up with.  She is beyond excited for her first Game Day, and already a little infatuated with Shane Morris.  Go Blue!!!!


1. In-Shane in the Membrane

2. Definition: In-Shane - Kstate thinking they have chance for a win

3. Let's bring the Shane

4. It's Shane-Time

5. K-State can't stand the Shane

6. It's time to "Raise Shane" and "Kick Cats"


ND Sux

December 28th, 2013 at 1:03 PM ^

please beat the MGoPoints off every poster who is unfairly harsh on Shane for his first game.  Say he's not ready, say this or that throw was a poor read, no problem.  Say he "sucks" or he's a "bust" and you get kicked in the MGoBalls. 


December 28th, 2013 at 12:52 PM ^

I hear you, and I flew out for last year's senior day from AZ just to honor Denard, and I feel the same about these Seniors.  I think we definately need to do a sign for them.  Good call.


All Gave Some, These Seniors Gave All.

Frito Bandito

December 28th, 2013 at 12:56 PM ^

It's the Shane pain, coach. If i had the chance, I would make one that says Football is life, the rest is just details. Or Sports! Or Frito loves football.

OMG Shirtless

December 28th, 2013 at 2:13 PM ^


I didn't reply to your comment directly, so you can edit your post if you'd like to.  You seem to have linked your entire Flikr gallery.  Not sure if you meant to do that or not.  Sweet cat though.


December 28th, 2013 at 4:42 PM ^

in Spokane (or wherever this bowl is being played) falls mainly from the Shane.

It's not in Spokane, is it?

Of course if you didn't like him, you could always go with the classic "Morris less"