
July 9th, 2008 at 5:48 AM ^

are you really defending this bag of shit?



* Said of Civil Rights protests: "The Negro cannot count forever on the kind of restraint that's thus far left him free to clog the streets, disrupt traffic, and interfere with other men's rights."

* Forged personal alliances with Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and Salvadoran death squad leader Roberto D'Aubuisson.

* Tried repeatedly to abolish the National Endowment for the Arts.

* Attempted to make African-American Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL) cry by singing "Dixie" repeatedly while in an elevator with her.

* Led a failed filibuster against the establishment of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

* Announced in 1994 that if then-President Bill Clinton were to visit North Carolina, "He better have a bodyguard."


Daniel L

July 9th, 2008 at 9:32 AM ^

Not to take sides either way, but Helms "* Tried repeatedly to abolish the National Endowment for the Arts." after they funded the pissing Christ "piece of art".  This was essentially a cross in urine.  I don't know about you, but I don't think that is art anymore than me pissing my name into the snow, and it's also highly offensive to a LARGE portion of America.


July 12th, 2008 at 9:27 AM ^

means you should kill the whole program? kevin grady got a dui, guess we better not have a football team anymore. it was highly offensive to a large portion of america. "FUCK YOU!" IS THAT OFFENSIVE? guess we shouldn't have an mgoblog anymore. Besides, jesus christ in and of itself is offensive to a large portion of america. 20 % or more of people under 25 have no religious affiliation, that's a larger minority than jews, blacks, latinos, and homosexuals.


July 13th, 2008 at 12:04 AM ^

I have no religious affiliation and Jesus Christ doesn't offend me at all. I'm more offended that  you think atheists are offended by Christ, or his image. We're offended by the actions of his believers when they attempt to oppress others - and to be fair, a very miniscule percentage of Christians actually do that - but Christ in and of itself is not offensive in the least to a majority of us atheists. Indeed, we get a lot of our belief structure from him - the meek shall inherit the earth, harder for a rich man to pass into heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, and all that fun stuff. We just don't revere him as God. Nothing offensive about him as a person - he had some great qualities.


July 13th, 2008 at 7:23 AM ^

Indeed, we get a lot of our belief structure from him


not really, you get morals from evolution, that's why people from different cultures have different specific morals but the same moral structure.



Daniel L

July 13th, 2008 at 12:30 AM ^

I really don't care either way.  I was just stating he tried to kill that art program after the "pissing christ" thing.  Believe me, I have no problem with offensive, have you read my posts?  I purposely attack things I find retarded, and I know I offend people.  However, I fail to see how anyone can find art in human excrement on a religious symbol.  I disagree wtih the perversion of Islam (terrorists lol), but I wouldn't consider someone shitting on the Koran [sic for American spelling] art.


 BlueSeoul, I don't know why you think I'm arguing against you.  That was probably my most impartial comment of the past year.  20% of people having no religious affiliation doesn't mean they are offended by Christ, btw.  It's possible to have no religious affiliation and still believe in god (deists), or to take the best tenets of each faith.  Jesse Helms was a total asshole, but that doesn't mean EVERYTHING he stood for was wrong.  I don't think everything is binary; I like to pick the best parts from everything.  The biggest problem today is that people don't think for themselves, they align with a group.  Turns out, a person can be against abortion and agree with other "Democratic" principles.  A person can also be for universal health care and still agree with the Iraq War and vote McCain.  The moment you limit yourself to an all or nothing scenario is the moment you become a mindless drone full of fail.


July 9th, 2008 at 12:26 PM ^

Blue, I must agreed with a portion of DanL's post in that the federal government should not be in the business of passing judgement on art. There is a lot of money chasing art at auction these days. The private sector can support those artists' that produce material worthy of financial support. While I don't understand the appeal of a cross in urine, maybe someone does. And that someone should be the person paying for the piece of art.


July 13th, 2008 at 3:51 PM ^

Comparing any American political figure to the likes of Manson, Hitler, and Khan, instantly and permanently destroys any credibility you could ever claim to have, at least in the eyes of the majority of the American electorate. I'll refrain from responding any further. I'll just state that I am wistful for the days when it was expected that everyone treated others with a decency and respect that should be afforded to all human beings, regardless of political stripe.


July 12th, 2008 at 11:49 PM ^

So because he lied he deserved to die? Sounds like impeachment was going too easy on Clinton then, maybe they should have executed him...


July 13th, 2008 at 10:41 AM ^

He lied UNDER OATH, I don't see how that is so hard to get for so many people.  It was his choice to perjur (spelling?)  himself.  I admit it was stupid of the republicans to go after him about the afair, but Clinton commited an actual crime, unlike Snow.


 And I'm sorry, but celebrating a persons death because they held different political beliefs than you is disgusting.  While they may have done some things you strongly disagreed with, they also did things many people appreciated.  They both had families and friends who cared for them, and they were important people to many in their lives.



July 13th, 2008 at 11:40 AM ^

arrest him. You know what the punishment for war criminals is don't you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crime and I'm celebrating their death because it makes the world a better place. If you don't feel like celebrating this joyous occasion then you have the choice not to. You can decide to not post comments or read my comments. Have you seen GW standing on an aircraft carrier under a mission accomplished sign? Was that not celebrating hundreds of thousands of murders? Have you ever heard the hoots and hollers of soldiers immediately after they've killed someone? And once again, anytime you can make the same argument about hitler, you've obviously come to an indefensible position. Hitler may have done some things you strongly disagreed with, he also did many things people appreciated. He had a family and friends who cared for him, and he was important to many people's lives. Does that make him any less evil? Does that mean the allies shouldn't have celebrated his death?


July 13th, 2008 at 12:28 PM ^

Hey!! Liberals are terrific human beings! They sure as hell aren't proned to be bigoted, narrow minded and mean spirited! Thank god for BlueSeoul! Hell, lets up the anty on funding "the arts!" I mean, its important for success in everyday life. You know, because its essential for our advancement as a people and a country that some drugged up deadbeat burnout who doesn't bathe regularly has the finances to come up with something as brilliant as putting a cross in a jar of piss. I mean, because THAT'S ingenius. And valuable to our society.


July 13th, 2008 at 3:57 PM ^

Don't paint all liberals with the same brush because of BlueSeoul's comments. It only helps cheapen the idea of sane political discourse in this country. Then again, there isn't much discourse to be had when someone's breaking open the bubbly over the death of an essentially honorable, well-regarded public servant, and a beloved husband and father.


July 14th, 2008 at 12:18 PM ^

I'm no fan of GW Bush. I didn't vote for the SOB, but, you know what? I didn't vote for the other scumbags, either. I can guarantee that you're not interested in true freedom, nor do you care about the death of "innocent" people.  You have a political agenda and you're choosing to force feed it to people on a freakin sports forum.


You're little quote about the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few just shows how ignorant and foolish you are of the beliefs that this country was originally founded upon. We were founded as a constitutionally limited republic, NOT a  socialist democracy (mobocracy) as you would have it. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights gave us the exact opposite of what you summarize. It is supposed to guarantee that the many would not and could not vote away the rights of a few. Each individual is his own king, his own priest, and his own ruler.  You don't care about people. If you did, you would ditch the socialist BS, get educated on the Constitution and Bill of Rights and realize that BOTH parties are guilty of treason and sedition against the American people and are destroying this once proud republic. This is all I'm going to say about this right now. This conversation belongs on another message board, not here. My advice to you is to grow up. Get out of this left/right demoRAT/republiCON paradigm and learn about TRUE freedom and what it really means. You just might become a useful person.


July 14th, 2008 at 6:33 PM ^

And i'm a little surprised that you think I think differently.  you seem to have jumped to a lot of conclusions based on one star trek clip.  What socialist BS are you referring too???  The part where I called for universal health care?  ooops I didn't.  You are projecting your own prejudices into this discussion, assuming I said things I didn't.  I've said two basic things.  Jessie Helm's death makes me happy.  Tony Snow's death makes me happy.  I'm a happy guy. 

 Where is the socialist propaganda in that?  

But I do have an agenda.  An agenda of fighting stupidity and lazy thinking.  So in a way this thread is a tangent to my criticism of sportswriters like rosenberg, dodd, mandel, etc.  


July 14th, 2008 at 2:47 AM ^

telling someone with an unpopular opinion to shut up on a message board means your arguments have failed to achieve that. What you think and what you can prove are two different things. If it bothers you that much, then you can ignore it. If you can't ignore it, you must be interested. If you're interested then you're a hypocrite. Democracy only works when there is an educated populace. And you can only get an educated populace when there is freedom of speech. So explain to me again why hitler having a fondness for puppies makes him not evil, and why we shouldn't celebrate his death. Tony snow is dead. This makes me happy. I'm not going to lie about it. And if you think you've never been happy that someone died then you're either a hypocrite or a simpleton.


July 14th, 2008 at 10:26 AM ^

"And if you think you've never been happy that someone died then you're either a hypocrite or a simpleton."

The reason I haven't been happy about some one's death yet is because you're still alive. Oooh! Free speech! Free speech! If you whine about me saying that you're a hypocrite!

Bleeding heart, hard - line fuck stains like you are what's wrong with this country. If everyone was a little closer to the middle - meaning hard lefts and hard rights  - we'd all be much better off.

Hey, I'm having a bad day. Could you go kill yourself?


July 14th, 2008 at 6:39 PM ^

absolutely. You think annoying message board posts are reason enough to be happy about someone's death. I think aiding and abetting war criminals commit mass murder is a reason to be happy about someone's death.

Seems fair.

What's wrong with the country is the erosion of the freedoms it was founded on. And it's sad when people like you can't stand to hear the truth.


July 14th, 2008 at 6:13 PM ^

This thread is awful and reads like a political debate coming from Youtube comments, why hasn't Brian killed it and sent it to hell yet?


July 14th, 2008 at 6:41 PM ^

then don't read it. Somehow I've managed to skip all the baseball, basketball, and soccer posts. How did I do that? Oh yeah, I didn't click on them. I must be a genius.


July 14th, 2008 at 6:50 PM ^

Hahaha, this guy is totally off his rocker. Dex should post in this thread just so his "Internet. Serious business" avatar can be made present.

cougar blue

July 16th, 2008 at 11:44 AM ^

Obviously blue the people you are going to vote for are extremely competent in how to do things... have we been attacked since 9/11? Oh, and how is that MI economy doing under your party; how is the city of Det. doing under your party, and how about New orleans under you party. But you guys have the answer's don't you! Blame it all on Bush - even when we have the power we will say it is all his fault. They get away with it because morons like you sit there and fall for it. When you get out of college and have a real job - let me know if your taxes are too low. How about all of the FREE people in Iraq and Afg? I guess they dont matter to you do they... i love how the Dem party in this country feels they know the best. you are all (not all - just the ones i know) elitest snobs... YOUR PARTY - and ALL government - is the problem. Getthe hell out of our way and let us prosper.


July 16th, 2008 at 3:44 PM ^

not that it matters but i'm a independant/libertarian.  Personally I think the dems are chickenshits for letting bush get away with all the crap he has.  But since you bring it up:

have we been attacked?  what do you mean by we?  the world? the western world? americans? or just americans in the U.S.  Because if I remember correctly, milan, london, and daily bombings in iraq and afghanistan, that's a lot of dead westerners.  Have we caught bin laden?  what happened to 'dead or alive'?  Oh yeah, it turned into 'he's not that important, i don't think about him that often' sayeth GW. 

You do realize that the countries with the best quality of life have the highest taxes.  might be something to think about.  i don't like taxes (that's part of the whole libertarian thing)  but i think its the job of the government to do those things that individuals can't do for themselves and business won't do.  The narrow minded, black and white, propaganda fed bullshit that you believe marks you as a sheep that's being led around by the anus.  

Yeah those iraqi's are really free.  Free to be killed by blackwater without legal recourse.  Let's go take an opinion poll and ask them how they feel about it.  OH YEAH, they have.  they want us to leave.  Bush said we'd leave if they asked us to.  But, of course he lied.  because he always lies.   

And just to make you feel better, I pay 3.3% tax.  Foreign income, the first 75,000 or so is not taxable in the U.S. plus housing and hazard pay.  so do the math, what's my take home pay on the first 75,000, and then compare it to yours. 

g'day sir. 

Musket Rebellion

July 16th, 2008 at 12:49 PM ^

The state of Michigan's economy is in the tubes because the American automotive industry didn't know how to run itself and because John Engler (a republican) was a special interests whore who only started and backed initiatives that provided for progress in the Grand Rapids (i.e. his republican stronghold) and not Detroit. Also, if we remember correctly New Orleans was destroyed by a hurricane, not a democrat or Godzilla. Also, it was abandoned and left to fend for itself by George W. Bush (also, a republican) and his administration. Your statement that "all government" is the problem suggests that you are an anarchist, in which case I question your grasp on reality. All government is not the problem. The problem is we have developed an attitude where there is no sane political banter between parties that allows for moderation. It is (as was stated above) the all or nothing philosophy that if you are a republican then you have to tote the party line and that's the law. It is the same for democrats. I vote democrat because most of the ideals that I lean towards tend to be associated with the left side of the political spectrum. Finally, saying people are free in Afghanistan and Iraq is really just laughable. As is your 9/11 statement. The terrorists don't have to attack us again, they've already made their point and we're doing exactly what they want by attacking them with force to create a new generation of people that they can train and deploy as future terrorists. This will be my only post on this thread, regardless of response.