Favorite YouTube channels / topics?

Submitted by UMProud on April 6th, 2020 at 12:43 PM

YouTube, for those who don't know, is an amazing source of content on virtually anything you may have interest in.  I find myself binge watching videos on things that interest me until I burn out and move on to something else.

Here's a few on my playlist:

Joe Rogan - discovered this guy recently..has very interesting guests on for interviews now and then.

Channel:  JRE Clips

Tiny Houses/RVs - like seeing the creative ways people make small homes, the mechanics of how they make them including how people convert vans, boxtrucks, etc into mobile RVs

No particular channel lots of content

Outdoor videos - enjoy watching bush craft stuff don't know why but find this stuff to be interesting and relaxing at the same time...particularly winter camping

No particular channel lots of content

Documentaries - lots of specialty documentaries .. been watching alot of stuff on the Mafia, WW1 &  WW2, ancient architecture and other things

Channels:  Bloodletters & Badmen and Timeline

Sports - with the world on hold don't really have one I watch religiously

Nature - all kinds of wildlife videos particularly Africa

Channel:  PBS Eons


Watching From Afar

April 6th, 2020 at 12:51 PM ^

Old Cracked stuff was good. After Hours specifically. Pop culture and movie/tv analysis with comedy.

Cinema Sins just makes fun of movies and some of the absurdity of it all.

Vox Borders is interesting and just goes around the world to look at current geopolitical issues and how they've come to be based on their history. Less political than Vox generally for people who don't want that.


April 6th, 2020 at 12:55 PM ^

Rick Beato - Fantastic music producer who has some videos heavy into theory but most are pretty moderate and explained at a level beginners can understand.  He makes me a better guitarist.   I got hooked on his channel with his "What Makes This song Great" series where he breaks down popular songs and really explains the nuts and bolts.

Coincidentally he just released a new WMTSG one hour ago and it's the White Stripes:


The other channel I enjoy is C.W. Lemoine.  Former viper pilot.  He's just got a real entertaining way of explaining military piloting for those who never served.  He breaks down shitty war movies to explain whats false and real.  He does a lot of Q&A and is generally just really cool.  He also breaks down some of his old flight footage.


April 6th, 2020 at 1:02 PM ^

Does Lemoine talk about the Top Gun movies


Mover reviews/rips all kinds of aviation movies and video games.

Interestingly enough, he goes really easy on Iron Eagle (in which darn near every scene is bullshit).

One of the cool things about his channel is he's been both a F/A-18 and F-16 driver.  He did time both in the Navy and AF Reserve.  He compares and contrasts the services and the platforms a lot in his commentary.


April 6th, 2020 at 2:57 PM ^

you beat me to it (was going to say Beato me to it but I am not yet that old for that specific pun) - great call on Rick Beato

I recently discover Rick and find it exceptionally watchable though his love for Journey is written off as a matter of taste.  His analysis of songs are really fascinating - two examples

Every Little Thing by the Police: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZavJLr5Otq4

Rocket Man by Elton John: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWp417CF7fY



April 6th, 2020 at 1:00 PM ^

 FliteTest is one of my faves.

It's a channel for R/C aviation.  They do all kinds of crazy stuff... they made a pig fly.  A toilet.  A microwave.  They made a B-52 with a 15 foot wingspan.

The hosts are part engineer, part smart ass, and they always look like they are having a really good time.

I miss MGoVideo being able to show full games.  


April 6th, 2020 at 1:03 PM ^

Been watching these two channels Cercle and Boiler Room a lot. If you have any interest in EDM, they're great resources. Before you scoff, I've actually found it to be a fairly soothing background soundtrack while I do other stuff while still getting some musical variety, etc.

Cercle in particular has really great locales, (ancient Roman theaters, temples, chateaux, etc.), so the visuals are great.

Boiler Room curates their content more by subgenre, so you can focus on stuff you're more interested in.


April 6th, 2020 at 1:07 PM ^

MyMateVince and TronicsFix for small electronics/video game console repair. 

Like OP, Primitive Technology is just astounding. 

Mark Rober is really fun to watch, even for my kids. Then Mr. Beast because I'm 12 at heart.

oriental andrew

April 6th, 2020 at 1:29 PM ^

3DBotmaker (races diecast cars - better than marble racing)

Angry Snowboarder (reviews gear, talks about the industry, funny top 5 lists)

Rick Beato (really knowledgeable guitar/music guy)

Action Movie Kids (a dude who makes action movies with his kids)

Snowboard ProCamp (really great tutorials)

Scotty Kilmer (take some stuff with grain of salt, but entertaining as heck)


April 6th, 2020 at 2:02 PM ^

They have a channel called behind the titantron and i believe it changed to the final bell. They have some pretty good behind the scenes and controversies on the Wwf and wcw.

VICE has a good documentary on Chris Benoit and how the death of Eddie Guerrero pretty much made him snap.



April 6th, 2020 at 2:03 PM ^

A couple more:

Ben Eater - A great channel about electrical engineering and PCs.  He walks through different logic gates and chipsets and through a long series of videos he builds a working 8-bit computer on breakboards.  He explains things really clearly and it's fun/relaxing to listen to him explain things. If you want to know HOW electronics work at the component level, this is your channel.

Doug DeMuro - The guy is really goofy, and the videos are long, but he covers every detail of just about any kind of car you ever dreamed of.  All those exotics or luxury cars you will never get to see in person he describes and shows every inch.

uncle leo

April 6th, 2020 at 2:12 PM ^

-Dead Meat. Great recaps of horror movies with kill counts. James is a funny, clever dude and is a Michigander.

-Crazy Russian Hacker. Reviews kitchen gadgets and basically loves everything.

-Townsends. Just discovered this dude. Ol' tyme 1700-1800s living, wears the outfit and everything.


April 6th, 2020 at 2:39 PM ^

Two of them -

Woodworking: Steve Ramsey's Woodworking for Mere Mortals. Doesn't use fancy tools or build overly difficult projects

Lockpicking Lawyer - Guy with a strangely comforting voice cadence goes through picking all sorts of various locks. I haven't seen one he hasn't been able to pick yet.


April 6th, 2020 at 3:02 PM ^

Frog Leap Studios - Lots of heavy metal covers of pop songs.  Often infused with humor.

Marty Music - Great beginner guitar tutorials.


April 6th, 2020 at 3:14 PM ^

I like to watch mostly car restoration (Project Binky) and destination cooking videos (since I like to cook).

If you have never watched Liziqi's channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoC47do520os_4DBMEFGg4A), I highly recommended it as it is impossibly beautiful and dreamy and mouth-watering at the same time. Especially with everyone stuck at home, this really takes you to somewhere exotic.

I also find all the videos where they travel to exotic locations to film street vendors cooking entertaining. But I do not like ones where the host talks endlessly. Not really interested in personalities, I just care about food, so I stick to ones that are silent like Travel Thirsty (https://www.youtube.com/user/TravelThirstyBlog) and Aden Films (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu9g5OmzcCpcJnmSYyHnIVw).

I also find Primitive Technology (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAL3JXZSzSm8AlZyD3nQdBA) fascinating as he is about basic as basic gets.


April 6th, 2020 at 3:49 PM ^

I've been learning guitar from JustinGuitar. He's got a website that collates the videos helpfully into lessons, but they're all on YouTube as well. Loving it. Never been a better time to pick up a new hobby!

Also, I discovered the channels PhilosophyTube and ContraPoints a few months ago. They are extremely political so YMMV in terms of enjoyment. But I find both to offer extremely thoughtful and entertaining takes on difficult subjects. 

Tatar Tots

April 6th, 2020 at 4:56 PM ^

awood40 has a ton of great Red Wings related videos, mainly highlight packages with the original commentary, good way to lose a few hours.

COPA90 Stories has some football videos that go more into the history of clubs and rivalries if you're interested in that.

Like someone above said, Contrapoints is more political but a good watch from time to time. Same with Hbomberguy and Shaun


April 7th, 2020 at 2:44 AM ^

I got into watching surfing videos. Big wave surfing is insane to watch. Went surfing for the first time a few years ago, and even just feeling the power of those smaller ones really gives you an appreciation for how dangerous and scary big waves are, especially when there's almost always a dangerous reef just below the surface. The amount of energy in those things is incredible. Videos alone don't really do it justice.

Some great footage in this one:



April 7th, 2020 at 8:06 AM ^

The Graham Norton Show - a UK based talk show which blows anything we have in the US out of the water. The guests are allowed to drink booze on the show which results in a lot more open conversations and general hilarity.

Hot Ones - a talk show where the guest (and host) eat hot wings of varying levels of spiciness while the host asks much more interesting questions than what are usually asked on talk shows. Also, really fun to see the guests reactions as they get to the hotter stuff (Billie Eilish, Charlize Theron, Ricky Gervais and Margot Robbie were all great views).