DT Keyshon Camp decommits from USC

Submitted by wresler120 on

Defensive Tackle Keyshon Camp has decommitted from USC. Michigan was the presumed leader for Camp late last year, with 50% of the crystal balls in Michigan's favor. However, this decommittment comes on the heals of an Ohio offer to Camp. This could get interesting, as Camp stated he will announce on NSD, which according to "insider information" could favor Michigan.

bleens ditch

January 23rd, 2016 at 8:24 PM ^

This is so unusual. Is Harbaugh playing chess while others are playing checkers? Is this part of a plan or just random chaos? At least the other teams dealing with the Harbaugh are probably just as befuddled.

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January 23rd, 2016 at 8:33 PM ^

you mean to tell me a player, committed verbally to the school, decided to pull his committment at the last second.  Whatever will usc do?  He is the only DT.  They were counting on him.  They have nowhere else to go.  Even if usc had not done all the things asked of them by Camp, he should have stuck to his VERBAL committment.  /s


Oh, wait a second, players do this all the time, for all kinds of reasons.  It is only a verbal, and guess what, it can go both ways.




January 23rd, 2016 at 8:41 PM ^

lol at the folks who assume he's coming here, just because he decommitted from usc. already stated he is not coming to Michigan guys. there are going to be so many "I thought he was a Michigan lock"comments when some of these guys pick other schools.


January 23rd, 2016 at 8:45 PM ^

Nothing about this is good for Michigan. The guy is not being recruited by our coaches anymore, and he decommitted from USC after being offered by OSU. The kool aid sipping is getting out of hand for some. 


January 23rd, 2016 at 8:52 PM ^

Not saying your wrong, but how do you know the coaches arent recruiting him anymore? How can you say for sure the coaches haven't stayed in contact with him, or even reached back out to him? You're probably right, as we haven't heard much on him lately, but unless youre on the Michigan coaching staff I dont know how you can say the staff is no longer interested.


January 23rd, 2016 at 9:00 PM ^

OSU whiffed on all of their DT targets so they just offered him.  Some 11W posters are saying he's lazy and aren't too excited about him.


January 23rd, 2016 at 9:18 PM ^

He didn't like the weather in Ann Arbor. I hope he's visiting somewhere getting hammered by Jonas right now. I hear Ann Arbor is nice these days.


January 23rd, 2016 at 10:23 PM ^

"Our coaches are secretly recruiting Camp and appear to be omnipresent. They've been spotted in all 50 states over the past 24 hours and have spent the night and/or taken a dump at all recruits homes! No, not just UM recruits....ALL recruits! Harbaugh is currently recruiting a small Eskimo in northern Alaska for a slot receiver position. After Harbaugh tried whale blubber, he preferred the blubber over milk to pour on his cereal."

You guys with super enthusiasm about all the recruits are awesome....lulz

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