
March 11th, 2020 at 2:46 PM ^

Instead of extrapolating and anticipating, and pulling numbers out of lower posteriors.

Try going to WHO and reading up on the Virus, several documents here including "Covid-19" in the workplace which gives suggestions like making people sign in for meetings, and give contact information etc.

Furthermore, the WHO produces a daily report with all of the metrics!



March 11th, 2020 at 3:30 PM ^

Cumong, peeps. This is nonsense. We have to understand (and accept) the fact that this will spread at a geometrical rate and very little can be done to control it, now that it is ubiquitous in our country.  Yes, quarantine those who test positive, same as we would recommend to those with influenza.  But to shut down all of the systems that we as an economy, country, and world depend on is crazy.  It is a disease.  Probably very similar to influenza in it's pattern. Hundreds of thousands will get it. Do you think that all in the university are going to sit in their homes 24/7 and not go out?  Let's stop the panic-mongering decisions being made by our politicians and administrators which at best will only be minimally effective.  BTW, check out both domestic and international airfares!  


March 11th, 2020 at 6:13 PM ^


So Universities cancelling classes when the kids are scattered ON SPRING BREAK (Mexico, Cali, other transportation hubs) wasn't necessarily the smart decision, especially since they're the lowest risk category (severity), and the PERFECT incubators for the virus, always out and about, partying etc.... again, not so smart. and just because Michigan did it, doesn't mean it's the smart decision. Having all of the kids locked down on campus, or close by... VERY EASY TO TRACK!

The only good that MAY come of that decision is that Universities have some of the more advanced medical care, researchers, and facilities around... so the Universities could be a fall back for hospitals.

And that's only in a doomsday scenario, which most likely won't happen. We're below 3,500 deaths thus far... influenza is at what 268,000 this year, and we're already treating COVID19 like it's the black death, so the med field, and don't think that Big Parm won't cash in on this shit... will all be on top of this.


March 11th, 2020 at 3:51 PM ^

We find out tomorrow if an 11-year old kid at the school I teach at has tested positive. Will be interested to see the response if, unfortunately, he (and his family) have contracted the virus. 

As a teacher I feel like I have a unique vantage point on how quickly this could spread. Fingers crossed, for the kid. No panic, however.


March 11th, 2020 at 6:23 PM ^

Teach them... to wash their hands properly! Up past their wrists half-way to the elbow like they see on ER shows, they'll get a kick out of it and start doing it.


Even before this shit hit the fan, I washed my hands; before I eat, after I eat, every time I grab a drink at the drinking fountain, before I go to the gym, after I go to the gym, before and after I use the restroom, after a large meeting etc. and nope I'm not a hypochondriac.

Other things you SHOULD do... sterile wipes on your work phones, cell phones, keys (are dirty as fuck), wipe down computer keyboards regularly, change your toothbrush after you're sick, don't let children "borrow pencils/pens" keep extras in your desk etc.

**I promise you... if you wash your hands regularly, and just be mindful of your surroundings, the chances of you catching COVID19 are slim to none!


March 11th, 2020 at 7:05 PM ^

We take three hand-washing breaks a day now. I’ve taught them how to wash properly... but they’re kids. And I can’t go into the washrooms and inspect what they’re doing. So, I have to trust them. Elementary schools are Petri dishes. But I guess if this is how I go out... it’s better than about a million other ways to go that don’t involve hanging out with and teaching a bunch of cool kids. 

Still, no panic. 


March 11th, 2020 at 6:57 PM ^

This is scary, I have had a double lung transplant and take meds to  supress my immune system. I am scheduled for knee  surgery on wednesday at u of m for tibia plateau fracture .Will be admitted post surgery. i have had surgeries in the past and am admitted to pulmonary floor fo monitor all the risks involved with surgery and lung transplantation.





March 11th, 2020 at 10:23 PM ^

Just to put this in perspective, China put a whole city on lockdown with 400 confirmed cases, and soon afterwards pretty much locked down the entire country. Six weeks later they have 80k confirmed cases (probably many more untested) with 3000 deaths. Now what do you think the numbers will be in the US if nothing is done?


November 18th, 2020 at 5:41 AM ^

Hey, this is an excellent suggestion and I see a lot of humor in the previous comments. Of course, this is a personal matter, but to be honest, addiction can occur almost imperceptibly, so I prefer to take CBD + oil for health. The most important thing is that cannabidiol is safe and creates a wonderful feeling of relaxation.