College Gameday (OPEN) Thread

Submitted by Mr. Yost on

Awesome intro to Gameday this morning...brought tears to my eyes. Just happy for those men and women who protect our freedom, our country and serve us all. Happy for them to have the spotlight and be able to celebrate on Gameday like college kids from every other school.

Especially in the way that they built it up, the drill commands, the quiet, Fowler's intro and then "at ease" and everyone going crazy just like every other Gameday.

Go nuts Army! Go nuts Navy!

Just like they do in Tallahassee, Tuscaloosa and Baton Rouge. Go nuts!

Beautiful setting. GO AMERICA!


December 13th, 2014 at 9:30 AM ^

Someone had one that read "Jameis Wrote Navy's Honor Code" - ouch. Could be a wishful, deluded FSU fan even at that, but I seriously doubt it given the composition of the crowd, of course. 


December 13th, 2014 at 11:00 AM ^

Was a Crypto analyst in the Navy back in the day. One of my duty stations was at a NATO Communications center in Augsburg, Germany (between Munich & Stuttgart). Anyway, the main base nearby was of course a large Army facilty. The Navy shared a barracks with an Air Force crypto detachment, while the rest of the base was all Army. 

As you can imagine, there were some typical pranks that went on during the week of the Navy-Army game. We had a bell out in front of the barracks/offices that would get painted green, and we would retaliate by dumping Navy Gray paint on some old WWII vintage tank that was parked in front of the VII Corps Armored Division HQ. 

Was getting boring doing the same ol', same ol', so my last year there, we decied to take it up a notch. Got some white bedsheets and put them together to make a large banner. We then painted "Go Navy....Beat Army" on it, along with some other smaller pics and logos. We also made a flag with the same Go Navy theme. Now where to put them.....

After our small group (5 of us) got together for some fine German brew at a local Gasthaus to discuss our plan, we decided upon our targets. 

The flag would be raised on the flagpole at the private residence of the Commanding General of VII Corps. The banner....on the base water tower. Yeah....I'm pretty sure that was the beer that put us up to that one.

Anyway, we split up. Two to the raise the flag, and the other three of us to the water tower. One of the guys was our ground lookout and Dave and I climbed the tower with the banner and duct tape (yeah...there really are a 1001 uses for that stuff). We climbed the ladder to the narrow walkway that encircles the water tower and hung the banner so that it was visible toward the PX and Mess Hall. We were pretty self assured at the time, but thinking back on it, we were so damn lucky that we weren't caught, either by the MP or the Polizei that always had cars around the base. 

The next morning, we enjoyed seeing our handiwork as we walked toward the Mess Hall. Most of the Army personnell got a good laugh out of it as well. When I say most....I did not include the VII Corps commander or the Commanding Officer of the base. Let's just say they weren't amused and made a visit to our Commanding Officer. 

Luckily, since we were all invloved with the Crypto group, we took very seriously the mantra, "Information on a "Need to Know" basis". Everybody figured, those Army dudes didn't need to know who did it and nobody said a word. 

I story bro.....

Go Navy.....Beat Army