
December 14th, 2019 at 4:15 PM ^

If he comes back he’ll drop out of the first round. His last 3 games have been underwhelming. Get out now Chase. You CANT possibly get a higher stock and you WILL lose money by returning - even if it’s just the year’s salary.


December 14th, 2019 at 5:05 PM ^

First off I don't buy it.  We'll see if he actually comes back.  Second, we need to stop putting our eggs into the hopes of beating OSU by them having their draft eligible players leave early for the NFL.  Frankly, it's sad.  And, even if guys like Young, Okuduh, Dobbins, etc. leave they are still plenty of talented guys behind them.  So, let's stop hoping for some sort of OSU fall off or their guys leaving early and find out how to take the next step in our own development.  Because if it's not OSU it will be somebody else beating us.  We need to get their level by recruiting, retaining, and developing that same level of player.


December 14th, 2019 at 9:14 PM ^

We're basing this on an interview with TMZ Sports?  So some random dude stopped him at an airport or somewhere else in public and you'd expect anything other than boiler plate stuff?


December 15th, 2019 at 5:34 AM ^

Don't get too worked up before you know the details, folks.

---- Original ----

Guy rushing up to Young as he walks along on a busy sidewalk somewhere:  "Hey, Chase, are you focused at all on the draft this year or . . .?"

Young (continuing to walk and not looking at the guy):  "Nah."

Reporter:  "Nah?  You going back to school?"

Young (still not paying much attention and continuing to walk):  "That's the plan."

---- Clarification another day ----

Rest of world:  "Really?"

Young:  "No."