Charity Bowl 2022 - To the Money Cannon

Submitted by Yostal on April 25th, 2022 at 6:59 AM

MGoBoard, it is that time of year again.

The Charitibundi Bowl, also known as the EDSBS Charity Bowl, is live for this work week.  Michigan has won the last twelve of these by outdonating everyone else in the country in support of New American Pathways.  It is one of the origins of the Michigan Money Cannon nickname.

For a while, it was joked that we defended this title because it was the only thing we had, but now it's become a matter of honor (and spite.)

The full and detailed explainer for can be found at this link.

The donation link can be found here:

Make sure you pick MICHIGAN in the dropdown menu.

And because there is joy in donating in increments that have meaning to you as a fan, might I suggest the following donations for your consideration:

$42.27 (this is how I started this morning)




$30.12 (Michigan Hockey's undefeated March goal count)

Thank you for your time and happy donating!


April 25th, 2022 at 7:59 AM ^

This contest became less enjoyable when our "prize" for winning stopped being "making the organizer get more University of Michigan themed tatoos" (he is a UF alum/fan).  Still a good cause, but... just not as fun.


April 25th, 2022 at 9:15 AM ^

The main prize, in my opinion, is that some of the best CFB writers/podcasters on the planet are friendlier to U-M than they would be otherwise. Their coverage of The Game this past season was fantastic.

Obviously that's all secondary to the great cause. 


April 25th, 2022 at 9:50 AM ^

And don't forget: once we get an insurmountable lead, feel free to donate on behalf of Slippery Rock University. Last year the Michigan Money Cannon fueled a sixth-place finish for the Rock!


April 25th, 2022 at 11:51 AM ^

I have been using this in my curriculum as part of a unit about generosity and altruism for my seventh grade students.  It's fun to see the overwhelming generosity of the fan base on display!


April 25th, 2022 at 4:54 PM ^

additional recommended donations: 

$25 - one $5 donation for each of HH's TDs against OSU

$72 (for 7.2 ypc against OSU) 

$39 for the number of rushes (pre-kneel down) that Michigan completed without taking a loss

$50 - 10 dollars for each consecutive sweet 16 we've made