Bye Week OT - If You Won the Lottery, You Would....

Submitted by xtramelanin on


With no game on our horizon this week, I am daring to ask an OT question slightly out of season.   For years my father-in-law and I have made a bet here and there on Michigan games.  He'd take ohio or MSU in a big game, and the deal was that the loser of the bet had to buy a $5 lotto ticket and if we ever hit it, we'd split the pot (yes, I have just about run out of $5 bills at this point...).  I note that the Powerball lottery is just north of $100 Million right now. 

My question to the board is this:  If you won some gargantuan lottery with a 9-figure pay-off, what would you do with the money?   Buy stuff?  Go places?  Share with friends/family?  Make a huuuuge donation to 'Beveled Guilt'?   Retire?  

Where would you be 5 or 10 yrs after the big win? 



Brolo El Cuñado

October 12th, 2016 at 6:32 AM ^

I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man. Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money.


October 12th, 2016 at 7:48 AM ^

They do!  And some of them don't even care if you don't have lottery numbers of money!  They're called hookers...  You have enough to set up that threesome of your dreams right now.

(Well, maybe not the threesome of your dreams, but a threesome nonetheless...)


October 12th, 2016 at 11:49 AM ^

Stadium; I would travel extensively until I got homesick; I would pay off my kids' college educations in advance; I would use some money to impact the US election so that a certain dickhead loses; I would give some away to charitable causes that I am confident will get the money. I will also lay some cash on close friends in a way that helps ease their debt burden.


October 12th, 2016 at 6:47 AM ^

1. Pay off my immediate family members' mortgages 2. Create an endowment for a scholarship at UM 3. Fully funded college fund for my kids 4. Give my parents the retirement that they dreamed of. 5. Use the rest for Christian mission/ministry


October 12th, 2016 at 6:50 AM ^

I would give some of it to my extended family members; leave my current job - not totally retire but do something different. Maybe build and over see a giant youth sports complex. And I'd travel the world.

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UM Fan from Sydney

October 12th, 2016 at 6:51 AM ^

Pay my debt, give a portion to my parents, sister, and brother, work for another ten or so years, then retire.

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rob f

October 13th, 2016 at 1:46 AM ^

Pay my debts, give a portion to my kids and some of my siblings who are in need of a helping hand, set up a trust for my kids and grandaughter's education, work for another ten or so DAYS, then retire.

Seriously.  Retirement would be very near the top of my "to do" list, since I'm already 60.  Why wait?

Then I'd relax---but not for long---and take a deep breath before doing the following:

That 40 hours I used to work?  Set aside a minimum of 10 additional hours weekly to concentrate on physical fitness.  That $$$$ isn't going to do me much good if i'm not fit and healthy enough to enjoy it.  After all, if you don't have your health, what do you have?

Other than that, a large portion of it would go to charity, including me rolling up my sleeves and doing some volunteer work.  Give back and pay forward.  And I would immediately shutter up this place and sell or bulldoze it.  If I stay at the same address for any reason, only in a new built-from-the-ground-up modern home rather than this 75 yr. old money pit I currently occupy.

 But I would prefer to move to the country MUCH closer to Ann Arbor as my primary home, but also own 2 more homes, one in the UP on Lake Michigan or Superior for summer enjoyment, and one somewhere warm for January thru April.   And get a membership to AAGO, not so much for golf as much as to be guaranteed a spot for tailgating .   A Suite at The Big House?  No way, too sterile!  Outdoor club seats or chairback seats would be nice, though,  for me and my entire contingent of 10 or so season ticket holders.   Oh...almost forgot....I'd be a road warrior.  Immediately.  No road game would be too far, I'd get an RV for the close-by road games and fly to the rest.

Sounds like too much already, though.

Maybe I'd be better off just to move to Montana soon, just me and my pigmy pony...



October 12th, 2016 at 6:55 AM ^

  1. Secure retirement for my loved ones
  2. Fix up the house a bit
  3. Buy a Tesla, maybe (eh probably not)
  4. Hold a few million cash in reserve

Even assuming taxes knock the take down to $50 million, this should still leave about $30-40 million or so.  Here's where most people pick some combination of "index fund" or "charity", but in both cases you're putting the money in someone else's hands.

So what I'd do is invest in projects, stuff that I want to see happen that wouldn't otherwise because it won't make gobs of money for investors.  If I have that kind of money, I'm not interested in accumulating more of it, or sitting on it.  I want to see things happen.  I'd commission works in film, art and music.  I'd invest in the community.  Ask the MMB if it needs anything.  Build shelters for runaways.  Lobby for stricter laws against animal abuse.  Fight poaching, overfishing, labor exploitation. . . this is gonna get political so I'll stop.  You get the idea.  In the end I may die poor, but at least the money will have done something besides build another goddamn McMansion.

Two chicks at the same time would be nice, but not only am I fully dedicated to my marriage, there isn't any enthusiasm in consent that you buy.  In fact, nothing makes me feel lonelier than the feigned affection of a woman who's next to me only because I have something she wants.  I'd rather sleep with people who genuinely want to and that's never going to be a long list.


October 12th, 2016 at 7:43 AM ^

They had a Tesla Model X in NYC this past weekend while I was there to see the Rutgers game.  It was towing an Airstream trailer that had displays of color combinations and accessories.  They also had a kiosk for ordering.  It was really well done and the vehicle was as cool as they come.  It gets 200-290 miles per charge and has three rows of seating.  Yeah, with lottery money I'd get one just for grins.