The Bus

Submitted by MidMichWolverine1 on

  Saturday at Fingerle Lumber, we were parked and tailgaiting beside an old, converted  maize and blue school bus, simply named "The Bus". Everone on, in and around "The Bus" had jackets and t-shirts identifing them as members of "The Bus". They were very courteous neighbors and we enjoyed watching them party but we were wondering: Who are they? How long has "The Bus" been in existence and what is the origin? Does it go to any away games and do the members actually attend the games or just party?


September 20th, 2010 at 1:19 PM ^

the bus is part of the b-school tailgate.  think business school.


it's been there forever.


and at least some of them do attend games (as i've gone to games with them).


September 20th, 2010 at 2:05 PM ^

I believe it is the graduate business school students.

Great tradition. As a BBA, we wished we had something like that, but then realized that having the option of infinity pre-game house parties did the trick.