adidas Maize vs. Nike Maize

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on

I originally posted this on the mainpage in the comments and I saw a few different opinions on this when I thought most want the old Maize back so I figure I'd make a discussion out of it on the board.

Yesterday, I went on Wayback Machine to the MDen site from 2007 and found the Nike version of a Maize Michigan shirt and compred it with the adidas version. Tweeted it out & got a lot of feedback for a late night post.


I like both but I wouldn't mind having the Nike Maize back (assuming Nike is brought back, which I really do see happening since Hackett is actually surveying the athletes who have been screaming for Nike).



March 26th, 2015 at 11:13 AM ^

all that is where this comes from. Doesn't look like there is any room for debate. It doesn't seem the AD is bound by this in any way. The decisions on uniform(z) colors must be coming from somewhere in the AD, independent of the UM Style Guide and the swathes from 1912.


March 26th, 2015 at 9:31 AM ^

Nike or Adidias isn't the determiner of the color; the athletic department approves it.  All uniforms and apparel have moved to the lighter shade over the years through the direction of the athletic department.


March 26th, 2015 at 11:23 AM ^

it is the Pantone 7406C apparently painstakingly reconstructed from the fabric patches laid down for all time by the special committee of the University Senate in 1912. If any debate exists, it should be around why we aren't using the Official Brand Standard Maize already established.


March 26th, 2015 at 4:56 PM ^

The Nike maize is much better. The adidas maize is just too loud and obnoxious. Reminds me of a neon highlighter type of thing. Man I hope we get back with Nike. I miss the swoosh.