
November 29th, 2016 at 2:03 AM ^

Mike mustve been drunk on the Tito's he whores out the past few days. The fact he was smug up there about the B1G saying they called a good game was sickening.

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November 29th, 2016 at 8:45 AM ^

NOT admit there was a major issue. They have defended their terrible officiating crews for years and there is no accoutability to force them to change anything. It's a shame. 

Farmhouse Funk

November 29th, 2016 at 10:37 AM ^

They should never let refs from either home state ref a game, even if they are completely un-biased and fair if there are some bad/iffy calls everyone will point and complain about about a ref being from that teams home state.

This is a sparten bob situation all over again. I doubt sparten bob went into that game saying man I am going to screw over Michigan, yet when he had a chance to give msu a couple extra seconds he took it.

I see the same things as these ohio refs when presented with a crucial call that would favor Michigan they let it go. The fact that the obvious 3 non PI calls and the 2 PI calls against Michigan were all on 3rd down, majorly effected the outcome of the game, not to mention all the holding penalties they "missed", the two guys behind me kept yelling for a holding penalty to be called, early in the 2nd quarter I turned to them and said they are just not going to call holding against osu, it pretty much wasn't called all year why would they start now. 

It is hard to picture Glassgow without an arm reaching accross his chest holding him.

People may say that refs are proffessional and such, but it is impossible to be un-biased if you grew up a fan of one of the teams playing. The more I think about this the more I get sick about this whole thing. The fact a ref actually explained a call by saying it is a tech in bball, then shouldn't osu been given a free throw and the ball? What about all the times the Michigan running backs traveled? Don't even get me started on the fact that it clearly took Michigan more than 10 seconds to get the ball over half court......


November 29th, 2016 at 11:36 AM ^

If that's the case then it's clear to me the incompetency starts with him and his ass needs to be the first one to be fired for the shitty officiating. No more gray lines, no more bs free outs that are built into the rulebook. We need clarity and transparency. And right now we have neither.