One Frame At A Time: Penn State

Submitted by Mr. Elbel on October 16th, 2022 at 11:30 PM

Nice frames Frames.


So. Mgowife is back at community college in her mid-30s. It took her over a decade of working in education and mental health to totally burn out of those fields and go for a career change. Right now she’s taking some pre-requisites to apply for a sonography program, so she’s in your typical physics and A&P courses. As I type this she’s coming into our room after studying for the last 9 hours of her Sunday to tell me her brain is fried from… words I don’t know how to spell. She has this anatomy adult coloring book that allows her to study and de-stress, which is a ridiculous combination.

Jumping back into school with mostly teenagers is a stretch for her, especially with tests. She’s not a test fan (is anyone?). So yesterday she spent a little time trying to create a meme about taking tests that includes a video of my son attempting to sing a song at maybe 5 years old. After a long pause he just says “I don’t know it.” Hilarious. I tried helping my wife by putting it on my gfycat, but couldn’t get it to work very well. Gfycat’s captions are not great, Bob. So we gave up.

However I forgot to take the sound off my created gifs. So now we have sound. Bleh.


Honorable Mentions:
Morris Powertackle TFL
JJ Dime
Bush Push If Reggie Bush Ran With Power At All
Shifty Edwards
Me Mashing The Buttons In Madden
Ew Fox Replays
Morris Eating An Orange Slice
Called It Before Going Out
3rd & 14
We Need A Barrett Celebration Replay


10. And All The People Cheered

Yay violence! Also, it’s not on this replay, but shoutout to the coach who pulled Johnson away from staring down his prey and avoiding a taunting penalty.


9. All Hail King Corum

I think Edwards is bowing to Blake here, but he could also be fanning him or pumping him up like white people at a rap concert.


8. Had Some Blake Qualities There

Breaking tackles and falling forward. Beautiful.


7. They Just Can’t

Here’s the context: the ref comes over to Harbaugh and whispers “I think Penn State might be able to stop your running game.” Angry, Jim blows up. Understandable. They absolutely cannot do that.


6. Seth, Help Us

This formation will be fun to examine in UFR.


5. It’s A Meme

Step 1. Post on r/CFBmemes
Step 2. ?????
Step 3. Karma Profit


4. Exhale

After this one I was able to breathe a little knowing. Great blocks and an even better cutback to finish.


3. I See You Fox

From doing this for a number of weeks now I’ve learned that Fox replays and kinda shit for gif purposes. They tend to chop big plays up with different angles, freeze the play a lot, and use a lot of graphics that kinda ruin the play for a gif. But every once in a while they strike gold.


2. The Great

Jury is still out for me on Blake “The Great” Corum, but this was a great run regardless. Reminiscent of his OSU run last year, I really wanted Gus to belt out BLAZING SPEED since he can actually finish with a good ankle this time.


Frame of the Game: FOOL

You would think the FOOL here would be the man flattened by a Roman “I’m A Dangerman” Wilson block and then hurdled. But it’s like a baby hurdle because he’s already on the ground from Roman “Give Me A Damn Star In FFFF” Wilson. So I would classify #3 as plainly a fool (side note: if you aren’t going to go through the effort of putting nameplates on the back of your jerseys, I’m not going to put in the effort to look up your roster). No, the FOOL here is #43 who somehow believes that simply running into Corum while he’s on one foot is enough to bring him down. All it does it propel him away from the rest of your defense as he runs for a 1st down. FOOL.




Winner from last week: Indiana Is Bad At Two-Hand Touch




October 17th, 2022 at 11:12 AM ^

Loving this feature - thanks for pulling this together!

Was hoping that you clipped the play in the 2nd quarter where Blake Corum absolutely trucked PJ Mustipher as he came through the hole and knocked him backward to gain a first down. It was maybe a 5 yd run, but MAN did it show the strength and power he packs.

Reno Drew

October 17th, 2022 at 1:02 PM ^

Always fun!  I'd have to vote off the board though for the Jake Moody tackle.  My hot take is that Jake Moody could play safety for half of the Big 10 teams 


October 17th, 2022 at 1:22 PM ^

I'm posting this comment before watching the gifs. If Moody's flex isn't included I will be deeply disappointed. I saw that live and I thought "can't wait to see that on the One Frame post"


October 18th, 2022 at 11:49 AM ^

lol that's kinda subtly hilarious

I love Ronnie Bell so much. He's a LENGENDARY Michigan player that helped transition from the BPONE days to the glory days. Two year captain. Michigan's rise nicely matches his rise. Michigan's attitude and confidence nicely matches his.

Win with Character win with Cruelty

My guess is he just wanted to be in that play. His little tap was the closest he could get to block. He just wants to play football and let you know that he beat you


October 17th, 2022 at 7:33 PM ^

I just scrolled back up to FOOL, and caught it as Blake is running toward the camera, when #3 just sort of falls out of nowhere to bop BC on the hip with his head - I couldn't stop laughing.