(FACETIOUS TITLE) Rutgers defeats Harbaugh, wins the war (per Steve Politi)

Submitted by Dubs on

We lost, you guys.  Per Steve Politi.  Link below.  Indeed, it is a sad day.



[It actually isn't too bad an article.  It reads like a man who just cannot get himself to compliment a vastly superior leader and coach.  Even his criticisms are subjective (questioning the motives of the camp in general, namely Harbaugh's apparent ego).  All in all, the theme seems to be "hey, maybe that wasn't so bad, after all.  Maybe Harbaugh is dedicated to this cause."]


June 9th, 2016 at 12:53 PM ^

he's a busy guy, but took a day out of his schedule to travel 600 miles to New Jersey to support Rutgers.

Yeah, sure, THAT was his motivation.  Yep.


June 9th, 2016 at 12:55 PM ^

is that Rutgers has their priorities in order.  While Harbaugh shamelessly "self promotes", Rutgers is bringing in high character guys like Ray Rice and Urban Meyer to teach values to the kids.

Too bad Aaron Hernandez couldn't make it to teach the kids how murdering people in cold blood is a bad life choice.


June 9th, 2016 at 1:07 PM ^

The truth Harbaugh doesn't want you to know. Rutgers did WHAT at the satellite camps? You won't believe what Harbaugh did in New Jersey. Harbaugh visited NJ. What he did next will amaze you. This pill will make you grow 4 inches overnight!


June 9th, 2016 at 1:01 PM ^

Listen, these writers have to write about something. Might as well do it about the most interesting subject in college football: Jim Harbaugh. I'm looking forward to OSU slaughtering Rutgers this year. Friends, he says. Ha.

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June 9th, 2016 at 1:04 PM ^

What's hilarious is that Rutgers fans and media actually think that this is a rivalry. Know what Harbaugh did immediately after the PC Camp? Got ready for the next one. Know what they'll say when he finishes the next one? "...for the full time....he never stopped working..."


He LOVES football. He eats, sleeps and breathes football. Not only did he inherit that attitude from his dad, he was also heavily influenced by Bo Schembechler. Bo had that same passion for the game and for coaching the game. Harbaugh is cut from that cloth. 


So while Rutgers is beating their chests about who's camp did what as far as numbers, Harbaugh is on to the next one. 

On the 1st, he was in Indianapolis.

On the 2nd, he was in Atlanta

On the 3rd, he was in Florida (Ft. Lauderdale AND Jacksonville)

On the 4th, he was in Tampa

On the 5th, he was in Virginia

On the 6th, he was in Baltimore

On the 7th, he was in Bama

On the 8th, he was in Miss. AND Jersey


and at each and every camp..."he never stopped working"


How can a person have THAT much dedication if they don't truly LOVE what they're doing? He's in his element. He LOVES this. These camps for him is like a video game to a kid. If you let them, they'll play and play and play and play. If Harbaugh is allowed, he'll do this until he's not allowed to do it anymore. It's like a gym rat looking at everyone else and saying "...but do you lift?"


If you truly want to crunch numbers for a pissing contest, you'll need to add up all the students at all the camps each coach has participated in. Then you'll have to fall back because the truth is, we don't JUST recruit Jersey. The tour has barely started but look at Harbaugh's work ethic. He won't be outworked.


And when it's all said and done, that attitude is transferred to his athletes. A team is going to take on the personality of their coach and if your coach's personality is "work, work, work, work, compete, compete, compete, compete, work, work, work, work" what do you think ANY opposing team's personality is going to have to be in order to even come close to beating them?


EastCoast Esq.

June 9th, 2016 at 1:05 PM ^

From the snippets (I won't click), that article was remarkably complimentary of our coach.

If Politi is coming around to the idea that Harbaugh actually likes teaching, that's pretty cool.

I Love Lamp

June 9th, 2016 at 1:05 PM ^

Teaching these kids the game and putting Michigan in their minds and in the headlines. I still do not see how anyone can get so bent out of shape over what he is doing.


June 9th, 2016 at 1:09 PM ^

Look I dislike this Politi douche as much as the next guy but if anything the tone of the article was one of guarded respect for Harbaugh. Not every article about him has to be an article against him.


June 9th, 2016 at 1:16 PM ^

We have bigger fish to fry. I tried hard but I just cannot make myself care about Rutgers. We have fucking NCs to win. I do thank them for letting us take so many studs from Nj though. 

Rawls NTR

June 9th, 2016 at 1:19 PM ^

This guy is a Rutgers writer but chose to attend the Michigan camp instead of the Rutgers camp. If that doesnt say it all i dont know what does.


June 9th, 2016 at 1:47 PM ^

Pittsburgh coach Pat Narduzzi, whose mug shot was also prominently featured on the camp flyers, actually sneaked out after an hour and drove to the Rutgers camp.

Does that mean the next time he'll just be introduced as "that guy that coaches at Pitt.....damnit, what's his name...."? I hope it does. I mean, if you're a headliner at the camp, it seems weird for you not to stay and actually do some evaluating on your own - there may be people there that don't know who you are and might be interested, after all. 


June 10th, 2016 at 12:00 PM ^

Yes..very odd. But it was an oddity that he'd even agreed to be there in the first place given his anti-anything UM stance.

I guess in the end Narduzzi hasn't gotten the MSU-OSU bromance out of his system. 

But it really cheats the football players when a guy walks out of an event that had his name on it.

Steve in PA

June 9th, 2016 at 2:39 PM ^

Harbaugh is the best thing to happen to Rutgers since the 1st football game.  Between then and now nobody gave 2 shits about Rutgers football.  Even now they probably only give one.  Most of the better NJ kids went elsewhere, mostly to PSU, and Rutgers was left with the "last call girls"

It remains to be seen if they do any better on signing day but at least Harbaugh has people talking about Rutgers and Football in the same sentence instead of mentioning police reports.

Delaney should be thanking JH for making Rutgers almost relevant with the satellite camps that he didn't support hard enough.