Bo Harbaugh

June 4th, 2020 at 4:49 PM ^

He done.  

This isn't a Drew Brees situation where tried to make a very poorly thought out moderating point and got caught with his foot in his mouth. Brees came off ignorant and oblivious, specifically given the timing and current momentum behind these protests. No rationalizations though...Brees F'ed up and deserves the criticism, but it doesn't give insight into his heart or how he feels about other races.

Fromm, on the other hand, comes off like an asshole, even if he was just "joking" It's a joke manifested from a sense and awareness of entitlement.  Hence, he comes off like a racist. No bueno Jake.

LV Sports Bettor

June 4th, 2020 at 8:53 PM ^

Probably right and if so that's sad. Might not think it's right but he is entitled to his (dumb) opinion in a private conversation.

Everyone has joked around and said something trying to be funny. Guarantee everyone of his teammates have done same before. 

Can you imagine if we were all able to see everything everyone texted over past x amount of years and how many things society be offended by if they could read them. Not a world anyone would want to live in considering how easily one can take something out of context etc


June 5th, 2020 at 1:27 PM ^

Yeah I get it he was being sarcastic... but the fact of the matter is that it's just not something that you say. 

To those that cry about "thought police"... well guess what... "WE THE PEOPLE" have put them in a position of social power and influence. They accepted the role, now they have to deal with it...

Reminds me of Celebs bitching and complaining about poparazzi 


June 4th, 2020 at 8:39 PM ^

That's what the NRA and DT think, too. White nutcakes can cavort with AK 47s; Black people even suspected of carrying can be murdered with impunity. It might be the most terrifying contradiction we live with.

LV Sports Bettor

June 4th, 2020 at 8:43 PM ^

I don't know why people care or get offended by what athletes think or say when they are off the field. Why should we care what Fromm or any athlete thinks about political or social issues. 

My entire relationship with them is when they are playing, that's it. I don't or won't ever know them outside of the field or court nor do I care too either. 


Perkis-Size Me

June 4th, 2020 at 11:00 PM ^

Fromm didn’t offend me personally, although I do have to question his own common sense. How he chooses to conduct himself is his business. But he shouldn’t be surprised if he gets singled out by some of the vets in training camp, or is repeatedly made an example of. I doubt he’ll be getting much sympathy.

We just saw Drew Brees get roasted by the entire sports world and several key members of his own team. And Drew is a local icon and hero in New Orleans. Fromm hasn’t even set foot in Buffalo yet.


June 4th, 2020 at 8:55 PM ^

Some folks on here are just so soft. These are the same people who enjoy giving our freedoms away. Fuck all you thought police. 

SMart WolveFan

June 4th, 2020 at 11:08 PM ^

Thought police?

Some people round here real hard, like rocks and as smart as rocks too.

The ass clown, who wants to make millions, releases into the digital world (i.e. place where no privacy exits) the fact that, since he grew up in Georgia (one of the most racist places eva!) he can casually make jokes about whites being elite (DURING RACE RIOTS.)*

*redact: conversation from 2019, too bad the Bills organization they didn't have this info before the draft,

Good thing Ashley woke.

He shouldn't be in jail, that IS against freedom.

He dose not deserve a ass whoopn just for saying racist shit, even tho I bet he gets a few.

But he does deserve to live in rural Georgia, poor as fuck, just like the dumb ass racists that raised him. And he should never take a roster spot in the NFL.


Perkis-Size Me

June 4th, 2020 at 10:56 PM ^

His life is going to be made a living, breathing nightmare in training camp. You’re already the rookie that everyone is going to turn to and tell you “hey rook, go get my shoulder pads,” or “hey rook, go get my helmet.” They'll do that even if you’re Tim freaking Tebow.

Now you’ve put an even bigger target on your back. Whatever treatment Fromm gets from the vets in training camp, he’ll have deserved it.


June 4th, 2020 at 11:03 PM ^

Obviously what he said was racist, but am I the only one bothered by the collective lack of reading comprehension? Everybody’s in here fighting about guns, but he was pretty clearly talking about wanting suppressors, not guns to be for elite white people. 

Again, hideous thing to say, but c’ the source material. 


June 5th, 2020 at 8:56 AM ^

And fuck up your accuracy.  Suppressors are not assassin tools, they're legitimate accessories that make shooting less hazardous to your hearing.  His language is abhorrent, but please be clear he's not talking about race war or any such thing.  It was a stupid, likely drunken, conversation between friends that super-woke Karen decided to leak.


June 5th, 2020 at 12:07 PM ^


That's gonna be painful come season play...

Culling the heard...

**EDIT: Anyone wanna start betting on how badly he gets injured? I'm gonna take the spread and say 2knees, concussion, and shoulder injury.