META: MGoStaff's antagonist twitter behavior

Submitted by Lupe Fiasco on January 19th, 2020 at 5:26 PM

What is going in here, the official @Mgoblog account has tweet out that Ant Wright is a "petty, small motherfucker" for being critical of Ace's behaviour towards people on twitter

Ace is known for his being very active and his constant high horsevtowards those he interacts with, along with attacking people with slightly different views. Just today he has spent a ton of time blocking hundreds of people for following Ant Wright or oikinh any of his tweets. Including many of those who donated to his GoFundMe and never said a bad word to him, leaving a bad taste for those that supported him when he needed it.

Ace is now threatening a lawsuit against Ant Wright for cyberbullying because Ant has said his behaviour is uncalled for and he's being a dick

The entire MGOStaff needs to step away from the platform for the day, and evaluate how they should represent the blog in the future. Just not a good look for the business


January 19th, 2020 at 7:53 PM ^

I think Ace is okay as well although he is very thin skinned and defensive on others have said he has no patience for anyone who disagrees with him...which is his perogative. .  I don't read Twatter that much and when I come across people like this I ignore them.  I think some of his MGo material is good....his podcasts have alot of "um" factor that make them hard to listen to at times.


January 20th, 2020 at 1:27 AM ^

Re: rental properties

You probably already know this but just in case, the technical term is "rental real estate".  "rental property" means things like back-hoes, shovels, wheel barrows, etc.  ^_^

Took me three weeks (I'm not very bright) before I figured out the difference the first time I dealt with the issue.  :^D

Bo Harbaugh

January 19th, 2020 at 5:47 PM ^

Lots of complaints here about mgoblog and many are warranted.  In the tradition of American capitalism, looks like there is an opening for competition 


January 19th, 2020 at 6:30 PM ^

Absolutely. I’m working on Blog-Go-M as we speak. I have Opposition Glance, Hi Ho Highlights to size up opponents, Unconfirmed Ferocity for random musings, and ACF (After Checking Film) to break down the offense and defense after games. Currently working on a ”Greetings” post for a newly committed Wolverine. 


January 19th, 2020 at 8:16 PM ^

It's interesting because I feel like in the late aughts, there were a ton of different Michigan blogs and a lot of them faded out. Maybe that was just one of the highlights of the early speculation of the blogosphere internet. Ace had his own blog before joining MGoBlog, there was the WLA, Hoover Street Rag is still out there, Michigan Hockey Net and YostBuilt used to be awesome, and I'm sure there were many others on the old sidebar of MGoBlog. Seems like the early enthusiasm for blogging has waned (or corporate america caught up and made it less fun)


January 19th, 2020 at 11:14 PM ^

Maybe I'm wrong, but the whole "blogroll" thing has disappeared. I guess it wasn't a good idea, and some sites did away with it. Now it's up to individuals to seek out those various blogs. You used to be able to go to MGoBlog and click on probably 15 other M-related blogs, but you can't do that anymore.

There have been some Michigan blogs that have disappeared, but others have popped up...they just haven't gained much traction.

Mr Miggle

January 19th, 2020 at 6:57 PM ^

Twitter is anywhere from fine to terrible. It depends on who you choose to interact with, whether you like to get into arguments with people you don't know, etc. For sure, it gives an opportunity for bad behavior from people would be afraid to act that way in person. Unless you're using Twitter to promote yourself or your business, those people are easily avoided. Even then, it's not hard to mute them.

I use Twitter to keep up with news in a couple of areas of interest and to chat occasionally with old friends and acquaintances. I can't think of a single bad experience I've had.


January 19th, 2020 at 7:35 PM ^

Yep ,  it’s what you make it.  If you’re an athlete who goes right on it after a bad game to look at his mentions (*cough* Zach Gentry *cough*) then yea ,  twitter probably won’t be a good experience for you .  But follow the right people and you’ll probably get some value out of it that relate to your hobbies 


January 19th, 2020 at 5:48 PM ^

Just a total reflection on the state of the country right now. People live in echo chambers and this is the result when two echo chambers collide tbh. 


Don't know enough though to see who is right or wrong in this matter. Nor do I care.

Larry Appleton

January 19th, 2020 at 5:52 PM ^

I just discovered I’m blocked by Ace.  I don’t believe I’ve ever responded to (and maybe never had even seen) a single tweet from him before.


January 19th, 2020 at 5:53 PM ^

I still enjoy the site for the Michigan content. The twitter nonsense has become a bit much and as such I've found it easier to just unfollow all parties involved and continue to read the site.


January 19th, 2020 at 5:55 PM ^

I’ve never heard of ant Wright. Am I missing something? I don’t do Twitter... and will say I quit Facebook. I was in college when it started and Facebook was awesome. It has turned to garbage although it seems it’s making lots of money so good for it. 


January 19th, 2020 at 6:06 PM ^

Antwoine Wright is a former player for the Michigan b-ball team under the very early JB teams. Aside from a Herculean effort against Oklahoma in the NCAA tourney awhile back, he was a non-factor on the court. 

Since then, he’s carved out a nice little following on Twitter that can be decisive at times (ie. He’s quite opinionated). This is one of those times.