OT: Your best Life Hacks to share with the board.

Submitted by MichiganFan1984 on

What is your best Life Hack you can share with the board? I will share one that helped me yesterday. Yellow Jacket Nests can be a huge problem this time of year in SE Michigan and yesterday when I was mowing I got stung so to get rid of the threat here’s what you do. Locate the nest, fill a shoovac about 1/4 of the way full with a dish soap and water mixture. Put the suction by the entrance of the nest, turn on and leave on for two hours. I came back and emptied it and there were so many dead yellowjackets it was unreal. I stopped counting at 150, not kidding. If the nest is off the ground you may need duct tape to hold the suctioning hose in place. What is your best Life Hack for the board? Hopefully some juicy news comes out of camp and this thread won’t be the highlight of our day, but I thought it would hold us over for awhile. 


August 8th, 2018 at 10:52 AM ^

I bake a good amount and rather than using white all-purpose flour, I use whole wheat pastry flour, which I think is marginally healthier than the white stuff. In cookies, muffins, and pancakes, there's very little difference in taste and texture. I also add around 1/4 cup ground flaxseed to baked goods, even cookies.

I use carrot juice to cook rice and couscous - just replace all or part of the liquid with the carrot juice. I generally go 3/4 carrot and 1/4 broth or water.

When I make pesto, instead of basil, I use Italian parsley. Huge amounts of vitamin c, and it's available all year round. Blanch it first in boiling water, then shock it in ice water, to keep the bright green color. The parsley pesto goes really well with mushrooms, roasted carrots and cauliflower, too. 


August 8th, 2018 at 10:59 AM ^

I know you only asked for one, but I have 4 that I swear by:

-I love my cheap handheld bidet wand.  First time I used one was overseas, and it was an epiphany.  It gets you cleaner, cleans washable diapers, saves on paper, cheaper and better for the environment, and makes cleaning the bathroom faster by making it easy to rinse off the scrubbing bubbles.  Just make sure you keep lysol wipes nearby (you'll want the nozzle clean before rinsing the scrubbing bubbles).

-If you struggle with portion control, or don't like cooking, healthy choice cafe steamers (280 calories and delicious) are a revelation.

-Dark liquor started waking most of my friends up at 3AM in our mid-thirties.  For most people I talk to, it's easier to sleep through the night if you drink hard cider and clear liquor.  If you really want dark liquor or beer, you might try to drink it earlier in the day (lunch or happy hour).

-If you mix clear liquor with orange juice (with pulp) on game-day, there's a good chance you won't get a cold the next morning.


August 8th, 2018 at 11:09 AM ^

If you’re into hard-boiled eggs, try baking them instead of boiling them. Put the eggs in a muffin tin in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Then put them in an ice bath for 10. I find it easier than actually boiling.


August 8th, 2018 at 11:11 AM ^

Food stuck to the inside of your microwave?

Get a bowl of water and add lemon juice. Microwave it for a couple mins (creates a lemon steam bath). Wait a couple mins and then wipe down.


August 8th, 2018 at 11:36 AM ^

When I order a fountain drink from a drive-through I always request it without ice. The beverage mix must be kept cold in the machine (it's disgusting if not), so you're still getting a refreshing and cold drink. The ice they put in merely occupies volume that allows them to sell you less of what you actually want to drink. 

Feat of Clay

August 8th, 2018 at 11:45 AM ^

This sounds dopey, but I swear it can help your reputation at work:  Look busy and dedicated.  If you are heading somewhere, walk quickly.  Occasionally furrow your brow, carry a folder, that kind of thing. 

Of course, I would also say you should put genuine effort into your job.  But don't forget to project your good work ethic to people who may only see you occasionally or briefly during the day.


August 8th, 2018 at 11:54 AM ^

It really is the truth. I see people comment all the time about work ethic just based on perception of always busy. 

The counter tip to this may be, don’t be over impressed with people that always appear busy. If you’ve been doing the job for any period of time, why have you not figured out how to do it more efficiently.  Lol

Oregon Wolverine

August 8th, 2018 at 12:02 PM ^

Prep walls well, wash w/TSP (real stuff to pit existing surface, but wear gloves, stuff is strong), let dry well, fans, err on drying too long bc any residual water will screw up surface, bubble

Quality tinted primer, targeted to deep color paint (get from same paint store)

Quality roller

Use very freshly mixed paint, deep colors tend to settle quickly, so go from paint store and paint immediately

When painting, use shop lights, after painting each coat ventilate w/low air flow-rate fan

Apply each extra coat as soon as recommended

Expect more than two coats, I did a bright red room w/five (ouch), but I’m OCD, and that was pre-tinted primer days

Or, hire a pro.  Expensive, but sometimes worth it. 


August 8th, 2018 at 12:19 PM ^

When at a fast food restaurant, ask for a slight change to your sandwich (extra pickles, no lettuce, etc.) so they can't give you what's been sitting under the heatlamp for the past hour.


August 8th, 2018 at 12:29 PM ^

Invest in index funds. Start saving or investing EARLY.

Never be afraid to end a relationship, work or romantic or otherwise. I can think of many that went on too long but none I regretted ending.

Think on the margin.

Remember the Pareto principle, loosely, you get 80% of the benefit of a thing from the first 20% you spend on it.

When you're parenting, effort is everything. Hustle, work, and put in the time.

In almost everything, a little bit every day is far better than a couple huge chunks.

Know your priorities in order - family, faith/philosophy, work, friends, fun - and make decisions accordingly.


August 8th, 2018 at 2:11 PM ^

After five years of undergraduate, a gap year, and two years of graduate school, I started my first job at age 26 and immediately started saving and placing money in my 401K. A year later I talked with our company's financial adviser and he was gushing about how great it was that I started saving at a young age and how far ahead of the game I was. Its free money that is only going to build over time and will allow you to retire earlier.  


August 8th, 2018 at 1:09 PM ^

1. When shopping for plane tickets, always use an incognito window to avoid having ticket prices increased based on your browsing/searching history.

2. Opening news articles in incognito windows will allow you to bypass almost all "___ articles in a month" restrictions for major newspapers. 

3. When peeling a hard or soft boiled egg, only peel the end. Once you can fit a spoon between the shell and the white, use the spoon to trace the egg white and the entire egg will pop right out.


August 8th, 2018 at 2:07 PM ^

I assume most of the posters on here are an older crowd, but here are some life hacks for incoming college students: 

1.) Never ever resort to the all-nighter. It never ends well.

2.) If your professor has office hours, stop by and visit, even if you have nothing to talk about. 

3.) Be friendly to your RA. As a former RA, I know for a fact that RA's have favorites and they let their favorites get away with a lot. They also have good advice. 

4.) For the most part, make sure you get good sleep. However if you have a big test, I've always found it beneficial to wake up early and do a cram session the day of. The information stays fresh. 

5.) Don't limit your social circle to the people in your dorm. People will go their separate ways at the end of the year, go to different living situations, and it becomes harder to maintain contact with them. Join some kind of club or activity. 



August 8th, 2018 at 9:06 PM ^

Run 2-3 miles every day or every other day.  Every minute running returns two minutes of healthy lifestyle plus exercise sharpens the brain for tests and all the other learning activities.  I was diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder AFTER a lackluster career as a student.  I used to give up running for more time at the library and that turned  out to be disasterous.


August 8th, 2018 at 4:46 PM ^

Let the air out of one of your tires and take a pic with your cellphone. Then spray it with water and take another pic. Also wait until it's dark out and snap another one.

Keep these pictures in your phone and you will always have an excuse for being late no matter what the weather is that day.


August 8th, 2018 at 6:30 PM ^

1. Don't assume you'll hear the wife coming into the room when you jerk off.  Always lock the door or at minimum set up a visual obstruction to buy you time.

2. Never buy first edition anything.  Let them iron out the bugs and buy version 2.0.

3. Don't buy a car new unless you like pissing thousands of dollars away.

4. Always get custom fitted golf clubs.  You might have the perfect swing but if your clubs are wrong for you'll still slice it in the woods like Judge Smayles.

5. Never send a date flowers, ever.  Dating you is like playing with a G.I. Joe - there's only so much before the mystery and fun dissipate, and sending her flowers hastens that pace to boredom and dumping you by 300%.

6. With family, ignore the negatives best you can and focus on the positives, unless your loved one is killing, raping or stealing, in which case smack them upside the head as often as possible.

7. Fuck Penn State and their pedophile enabler apologist fans.

8.  At work, dress well, be neat, timely and polite - if you can't show others that you are responsible with your own brand, they sure as shit won't deem  you responsible for senior roles.

9. Marriage hack - If she respects herself, she's Mrs. Right - you have my blessing to marry her.  If she doesn't respect herself (drunk, drugs, slob, etc., etc.) she's Mrs Right Now - have a good time, then move on.

10. Be a Michigan fan and wish the ruin of fan bases supporting coaches who enable and apologize for pedophiles, pedophile enablers and wife beaters.

11. Consider that your political convictions just might be wrong.



August 8th, 2018 at 7:43 PM ^

I agree with most, but....

3. I disagree. It would be nice to have a new car and worth the extra money to know that you’re not getting someone else’s junk, no?

4. Unless you’re making a living from playing, why waste the money?

6. Please tell me how to do this. My in laws are the most selfish people on earth. 


August 9th, 2018 at 3:04 PM ^

No sir.
#3 Take that $15-$30,000 you save buying a new car, buy Amazon stock to sit on for 5 years then retire.

#4 Playing golf with generic clubs is like playing basketball in flip flops or tennis with a squash racket - you are simulating the experience, but cheating yourself of enjoying the game how it is supposed to be enjoyed.

$6 In laws get an asterisk.  With them the approach is  

1. Limit contact as much as possible, ideally to .01% of your existence or less. 
2. When you do have to spend time with them, remember that that misery only affects .01% of your life if you're doing it right, which isn't so bad. 
3. If they live nearby thus forcing you to spend more than the requisite .01% of your life with them, secretly apply for jobs far enough away to move their existence into that .01% bracket.  Get creative in explaining to your wife why it's important to move.  


August 8th, 2018 at 9:12 PM ^

I disagree with #5.  I brought a girl flowers at Stockwell Hall when it was an all girl dorm.  The relationship soared as well as my reputation with all the girls on the floor.  (I could hear phones ringing up and down the hall and many heads popped out of the dorm rooms to take a look.)

I will be forever amazed how flowers get the job done early in the game.  

I would agree that flowers don't work as an apology or some lame attempt to get a girl that isn't interested.


August 9th, 2018 at 2:48 PM ^

False dude false.  Flowers can get you the short term jump but in the long run they are a signal that you are in the palm of her hands which she will quickly or eventually find boring. 

Player Rule #1: The more a woman tries to figure you out, the more she will want you.  The inverse is equally true.

As a concession I'll allow you to send flowers at most once every 5 years.  Truce?

Chalky White

August 9th, 2018 at 8:28 AM ^

I have a coworker who bought Efferdent at a dollar store to clean her coffee mug. It didn't work at all. When I was in vacation, I came back to find my mug was spotless. I was shocked it actually worked. It hasn't been cleaned like that in 3 years.