Points changed Changed Changed by Description
2.00 ST3
-1.00 Teeba
-1.00 Teeba
-1.00 Teeba
-1.00 Teeba
-1.00 Teeba
-1.00 Teeba
2.00 Mr. Elbel
2.00 readerws6
2.00 MGoCali
2.00 bluegoinggray
2.00 Picktown GoBlue
2.00 BLUEinRockford
2.00 coneyisland75
2.00 Bohannon
2.00 jdib
2.00 Blue@LSU
2.00 george11
1.00 Teeba
-1.00 Teeba
2.00 The Geek
2.00 umchicago
2.00 Wings Of Distinction
2.00 M-Dog
-1.00 Teeba
1.00 Teeba
-1.00 Teeba
2.00 SanDiegoWolverine
2.00 zh2oson
2.00 Dailysportseditor
2.00 Dailysportseditor
2.00 username03
2.00 ILL_Legel
2.00 Tatar Tots
2.00 kehnonymous
2.00 urbanachiever
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
-1.00 Teeba
2.00 The Blue Collar
2.00 mgo한국
2.00 redwhiteandMGOBLUE
2.00 We'll be Champions
1.00 Teeba
1.00 Teeba
2.00 victors2000
2.00 kjhager444
1.00 Teeba
-1.00 maquih
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
2.00 Hotel Putingrad