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Oh! I'm sorry Your Honor Youths!
So awesome Love that movie!
Fun topic 1. The Godfather 1/2 (I realize this is two movies, I'm a cheater) 2. Unforgiven 3. Hmmm, maybe Shawshank? I can definitely see why that one got so many mentions in this thread.
Favored Favored in all 12 games. Predicting 10 wins with that in mind isn't dumb. Favored, not guaranteed to win. #Sports + college students playing a game + oblong shaped leather balls + strange weather conditions + injuries = unpredictability
Old recruiting jokes This is a reference to Hand picking Alabama over Michigan in our head to head battle with them during his recruitment.
Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby! Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!
Gross This may challenge our assumptions that Matt Painter runs a clean basketball program!
Woah! Allegedly
Wow wow wow! What a weekend!
99 problems And a loss ain't one!
99? So close!
So awesome Haha, I laughed so hard when she's going "nonononono! It's midnight!"
Thanks Well then, go PSU!
Remind me For the way too casual for this blog hockey fan, who are we cheering for in the PSU/Minnesota match?
Welp I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers.
Waaaa? Incest? Please post "spoiler alert!" before you give away the plot revealed in the first episode a TV show based on a book published in the mid 90s!
Lots of great Michigan IPAs There have been tons of good suggestions so far! Many of my favorite regularly available IPAs have already been suggested. My two favorites currently are Perrin 98 Problems, New Holland Mad Hatter and 51K IPA from Black Rocks. All are excellent Michigan IPAs that are more on the citra-side if IPAs that are my current favorite hop profile. They should be available pretty much anywhere and are around 10 bucks a 6 pack.
Totally lost it When I read the actual Sith character blip I laughed so hard. Thanks, Seth.
Rare Breed The basic Wild Turkey is definitely not very well balanced but I agree whole heartedly with the other people here. Rare Breed and so many of their higher end bourbons are excellent!
This will end well Mentioning chatsports: that's a paddlin!
3 on one play But Michigan did, in fact, deserve to get flagged for all three of those things. So... What would you rather the refs do?
Yes! I rewatched the second half last night. That drive was awesome.
I was thinking this Winston is always in the middle of everything. He seems to know when to be tough on people, when to encourage people and when to just be a little goofy to lighten things up at the right times. He's really fun to watch. Also, Reilly is kinda fun to watch. He's an asshole, ha, but man does he play with some serious fire and anger.
Relax, you'll figure it out Here's the deal: no one knows what they are getting into with parenting until they have kids. Sure your pediatrician, friends, family and books/online reading can give you tips, advice and helpful things to remember. But parenting you mostly just figure out as you go along. And that's just fine. Good luck to you and Go Blue.
I'll be there My friend has the tickets, so I don't know what section, but we'll be front row behind the Michigan bench somewhere near the 30 yard line. Should be awesome. Go Blue!
Math! (Spread defense + Oregon) /(9 man boxes) = Harbaugh!!!
Yes! On the Jake Butt TD play Evans harnesses his inner Vincent Smith and prevents a sack with some nifty pass blocking.
"Cool story bro" time 15 years ago or so I used to bar-back at Goodnight Grace's (it's called something else now, don't live in Ann Arbor anymore) in Ann Arbor and Laith used to play there on the weekends. We'd hang out after work quite a bit (Uh, smokin funny stuff most likely). Laith is one of the nicest people I've ever had the chance to meet and I've seen him live countless times. The dude can absolutely shred and he's awesome live.
Thanks! Got a couple new t-shirts coming!
Seriously? Stauskas, McGary, Hardaway, Robinson, Trey and Horford all left within two years for various reasons. McGary, Horford and you could argue Robinson were all unexpected.
Best comment of the thread I'll bet you always made money for your partners, too.
Sad you can't remember I'll bet it stinks anyway
That was awesome! I jumped off the couch and yelled! Great play and right at the perfect time to break Nebraska's spirits.
Love the Drake! Not so sure about the Drake-et though!
Ahhhhh! My heart is racing! Awesome win!
Sure But OSU and IU both had excellent O-lines, punishing running backs, and QBs capable of either running the ball themselves or throwing the ball to actually open wideouts. Nuss doesn't have any of those things at his disposal. OSU and IU had excellent offenses this year against just about everyone, using their game plan sounds nice...
There has to be a hashtag #rememberthe5
I was also at this game The level of complete destruction was so incredible. Kurt Warner just annihilated us. Such an awful game, that was the last time I've seen the Lions in person.
You are the only one He's our best center. That isn't a good thing that he's our best, but it is what it is unless Mo or Chatman step up big time. Why in the world would he never sniff playing time ever again?
#rememberthe5 #rememberthe5
Just win, baby! I'm here for the pos bang!
Ron Zook To further Ace's response, the name Zook comes from former Illinois head football coach Ron Zook who has a well-documented history of awful coaching decisions. The Zook factor also can directly reference punting at a time in the game or at a down-and-distance and yardline situation that makes no statistical sense and said coach should feel bad about themselves.
Beef plate ribs I smoked beef plate ribs from the recipe a few weeks ago. They were spectacular! Great by themselves and then amazing in a pulled beef sandwich. Thanks so much for these recipes and your blog, Joe. Really fantastic stuff!
Predictions Brian always predicts very odd scores. It's been that way for a long time. Not sure if there was a beginning to this or if it's just become normal around here over time.
Love that column I was hoping he would bring me back to Earth with this week's write up. "Don't get too excited Michigan fans, you're delusional, it's all a sham and Brian at mgoblog is just fanning the flames of your fanatic bonfire burning inside of you with pretty stats and pictures." Instead he dumped a gallon of gasoline on my bonfire, dropped a keg of beer next to it and said "God damn your team looks awesome, have a beer!" Who's on the Harbaugh hype train? Choo Choo!!!
More excited that Fitzgerald? All that was missing was a child-like gleeful smile to go along with his ridiculous happy dance.
Mother of god Motherofgod.jpg
Yum! I had Todd The Ax Man a couple nights ago, really fantastic! Please send this to Grand Rapids!
Is Is this just fantasy?
Moved to GR a year ago Living in Grand Rapids almost isn't fair. Perrin, Founders, Brewery Vivant, New Holland/Bells/Oddside are all less than an hour drive. It's fantastic. My "tradition" has been to try a different beer at least once a week, I've been doing it since the early 2000s - I wish untappd had been around then, ha!