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"There was a slight increase…

"There was a slight increase in "fire", 22 mentions to 28 mentions..."

I've noticed an uptick in this particular grammatical mistake in recent posts to the point that it can't be a typo. Commas generally belong inside of the quotation marks, such as "fire," 22 mentions....…;

Just mentioning for posterity's sake and Brian's presumed grammar OCD. 

You guys are the best. 

What are the odds Mason gets…

What are the odds Mason gets many carries as tailback? He did alright last year in that role. 

Great centers for Michigan,…

Great centers for Michigan, but don't forget this list is focused on Michigan players with the best PRO careers. 

So next year probably won't…

So next year probably won't be good either? Frown. 

Hopefully that experience…

Hopefully that experience will bail out our o-line if they continue to flounder (fingers crossed that isn't the case).

voracity lingers


Same Here

I lol'ed and thought, "This can't mean what it sounds like." 

Urban dictionary'ed it. I imagine he meant the first few definitions and not the later ones. 

24-0 Michigan

24-0 Michigan because optimism

Outlandish Prediction Peppers leads the team in carries