Points changed Changed Changed by Description
2.00 Louie C
2.00 xtramelanin
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 willywill9
1.00 GoBlueSean
2.00 xtramelanin
2.00 Jmer
2.00 AdamBomb
2.00 RGard
2.00 Lionheart
2.00 The Fugitive
2.00 Quadrazu
2.00 SteamboatWolverine
1.00 GoBlueSean
2.00 ShadowStorm33
1.00 GoBlueSean
1.00 GoBlueSean
1.00 GoBlueSean
1.00 GoBlueSean
2.00 GoBLUE_SemperFi
2.00 Ibow
2.00 Go for two
2.00 Umich19
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 MGB
2.00 steeltownblue
2.00 Jmer
2.00 Njia
2.00 BlueinOK
2.00 bluewings
2.00 Plymouth Blue
2.00 AdamBomb
-1.00 heyyoujesson
2.00 McDoomButt
2.00 Wolverine Devotee
2.00 jonny_GoBlue
2.00 DogTown
2.00 Crime Reporter
1.00 GoBlueSean
-1.00 GoBlueSean
1.00 GoBlueSean
2.00 Tasker Bliss
1.00 GoBlueSean
1.00 GoBlueSean
2.00 xtramelanin
2.00 BlueMan80
2.00 The Mad Hatter
1.00 GoBlueSean
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
1.00 GoBlueSean