CFB Risk Day 38 - Wol-Vengers End Game - Back On Top (7 Turns Left)

Submitted by EastCoast Esq. on March 5th, 2023 at 2:30 PM

CliffsNotes Instructions

(1) If you want an order aligned with Michigan’s current battle plan before you attack/defend, go to Michigan Risk Central Command. You'll get a few options to choose from.

Note: Orders will be loaded shortly.

(2) If you insist on doing your own thing, head over to CFB Risk and attack any of the OSU (gray) or A&M (dark red) territories. Put differently...GO SOUTH

Gathering Infinity Stones

Last night went reasonably well. We now have two entry points to the Caribbean and border three Mexican territories. And we took the lead! However, time is short. There are just SEVEN TURNS LEFT and we need to push into Mexico and the Caribbean. 

It's time for the End Game and the accompanying references.

Before we do that, though, I have a confession. I never saw Avengers: End Game. It's not that I dislike superhero movies or Marvel movies....I just never saw it. So all my references will be based on memes and bits and pieces I've sort of gathered since it came out....

We know the remaining Infinity Stones are in the South. And we've fashioned one of those foam Wolverine claw things they give away at Michigan games (do they still do that?) into an Infinity Gauntlet. So now we just need to gather those stones and snap our fingers and good stuff will happen?

Either way, our time is limited. Whoever has the most territories after the 44th roll on March 13th will win, and it could very well be us. But to do that, we NEED YOU ALL TO PLAY. We got over the 1,200 mark recently, and that's the kind of buy-in we'll need to get the job done.

So go to and let's snap these stones!

Go Blue and f*ck the Bucknuts (and Anguses)!

Map below


March 5th, 2023 at 2:33 PM ^

We could really use everyone’s help getting back involved or asking friends to join. We’re down 225 players from our peak number.




March 5th, 2023 at 2:41 PM ^

There are just SEVEN TURNS LEFT and we need to push into Mexico and the Caribbean. 

We need to defend the great lakes for the 1, region bonus and 2, it's a smaller region that it should be taken very quickly.

By way of comparison, the Fla/GA RR -- where Michigan has one territory (which is fine if you want to be a disruptor there) has two more territories in that region than the great lakes.


March 5th, 2023 at 3:27 PM ^

It's not a matter of me being a rogue; it's you all have made the game way more complicated than it needs to be.  And that drives participation down.

There's a certain amount of arrogance with the self anointed leadership group that other folks opinions don't matter -- don't take my word for it and neg away.  But look at all the previous posting history of people fussing about Discord and such.

 We’re down 225 players from our peak number



March 5th, 2023 at 3:39 PM ^

Yet somehow Michigan is in first place with the open minds and strategic change a while back. I’ll wait for the numbers tomorrow to have an opinion if participation is down as you suggest or it was 50k losing power again in SE MI followed by a beautiful day where people just forgot about the game.

Walmart Wolverine

March 5th, 2023 at 4:12 PM ^

I don't disagree with you Stig but at the same time, we spent 60% of the game trying to get a protected territory.   It isn't very easy to do with the way the odds work and nearly impossible to keep with every other large team gunning at you once you capture one.

We've only had sustained success since deemphasizing region capture

My understanding is that the UM mods were the only ones around when 3.0 launched and they became the leaders by default.  They've been accommodative of people joining their strategy channel and if you or anyone are interested ping any of the coaching staff on Discord

That said, we've all done an admirable job gathering this cat herd.   Truly, do whatever you want if you think it will help UM.   Sometimes the mob gets a little too excited.   A couple days ago we wasted 200 stars capturing Ypsilanti because a lot of rogues hit that spot.   So if you want to ensure that your move is impactful, use the orders site.   If instead you want to hit Poughkeepsie because grandma lives there, do that.


March 5th, 2023 at 4:41 PM ^

I'm going to gently disagree with you here on leadership arrogance.  The leaders started with a plan to capture regions.  It wasn't working well, then someone had a chance to review the code for game implementation and realized the math was not in favor of either capturing or keeping regions--essentially because low likelihood events were allowed/emphasized.

At that point, and after OSU threw a bot party one Friday, the leadership (at the urging of the Discord chat and many nerds like me) changed tactic to be much more random and attack everywhere. Since that time we have almost tripled the number of territories and gone from 4th to 1st place.

Here's the beauty of the strategy change: it is completely aligned with those like you that want to make their own move.  The move site just tries to be a guide so we don't have too many concentrated in one place, but it's optional. You might check it for recommendations, but you can still do your own thing and it's going to help.

Every. Player. Counts.