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Boise State Fact is as both a Huge U of M fan and A Huge Boise State fan, they (Boise State) would at this point destroy us.... Boise State can't help everyone is scared to play them. P.S don't look now but Or. might just win out so all things considered.... Unless you've actually watch them as I have watch every BSU game (when I was a player for ISU, Idaho Sate we referred to them as bullshit U) they not only have the recorded but look the part, they owned BG last week unlike anything we've done all year and that was a away game. way away from home after playing an away game at Fresno. Don't get me wrong there is nothing I would love more than U of M in the big game but right now we have a long way to go to even consider ourselves in BSU league.. Thats my YouTube account so don't doubt my loyalties...
Obviously none of you have met a Mormon girl. If you’ve never been to Provo, you’ve never seen real tail. As a young man moved from Michigan to Mo Mo country I quickly found out these girls didn’t drink and didn’t do drugs But boy O Boy they did everything else!!!!!! Seems there is some kind of ritual before they got married to restore the virginity! Not being a tobacco chewing cowboy nor a uptight Mo MO but and typical blue blooded Michigan boy Sure did wonders for my scorage, I think they all wanted to convert me ;) However as I spent my freshmen year out west in 1984 I took a ton of crap at the parties during the holiday bowl… I’m OWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S I converted one of those hotties and married her ..