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My sauces up in EL say it's My sauces up in EL say it's not only us happy to see him to leave, the program is more giving him a middle finger as opposed to a good luck wave. He rubbed a lot of people the wrong way this last season amidst all the Sparty turbulence
I bought a pair. Too excited I bought a pair. Too excited for them to arrive. Recruits and the younger football players probably copped them also
Just gonna leave this here

Megan is a friend of mine, so I'm just gonna leave this for some of you commenters. 

Certain Cases Yes, Others No.

As a jersey collector, I've realized in the real world (and working in a news room) I obviously wear my jerseys less than I did during my time in Ann Arbor. I have a few key rules of thumb and an order from most socially acceptable to least. 

Soccer Jerseys: Almost always acceptable, especially if there is no name on the back, then it just looks like a shirt with a sponsor on the front. Like Ian Poulter that time he got fined by the PGA, I often golf in my collared Arsenal jerseys. 

Hockey Sweaters: As St. Practice Day 2013 proved when I ran around in my Mike Modano North Stars jersey, there is no drunk like getting hammered in a hockey jersey drunk. On gamedays, I'll usually bring my Wings jersey to work and throw it on after the suits take off at night. Decently acceptable to wear in public without looking too weird since Hockey is such a niche sport, people won't bother to trash talk you about it like they would with football.

Baseball Jerseys: Courtesy of their design, no harm, no foul. Can easily be worn in public without anyone sticking out like a sore thumb.

Football Jerseys: A bit more awkward to wear in public, but if watching a game at a party or bar, or at a game in person - I pass no judgement. Wearing them in situations like Church or events where you're the only guy there in a football jersey? Do better people. Disclaimer: I'm 24 (Class of '14) and I have a Harbaugh Nike Fauxback that I will wear to every home game I go to as long as Jim is in charge.

Basketball Jerseys: This is where the line is drawn. People who wear them with t-shirts underneath - STOP. That makes you look like even more of a goober. NBA and College Basketball jerseys are the athletic equivalents of Bro Tanks. Even in school, I would only wear them to darties or on spring break (places where a tank top is socially acceptable) Anywhere else and you probably look silly. 

Those are my rules about jerseys. 


Hate Week Hype Reel

I know a lot of people make these, but I'm especially proud of this one since I modelled it after the promo for that Stone Cold vs The Rock Wrestlemania 17 Match. Enjoy!