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Duke-UNC. UT-TAMU. UGA-GT. Bama-Auburn.

Because that's how in-state rivalries work.

Oh settle down. I haven't made a single personal attack nor have I resorted to personal namecalling. I've been civil in every comment. I have merely made one point- all this moral high horse jibberish is nonsense (be it concerning this rivalry or any other rivalry or sport) that is no worse than hot take sports columnists complaining about the "unwritten rules," especially when both programs have been "guilty" of these "transgressions." It sounds just as dumb when Michigan State fans complain about arrogance, or stakes in the ground, or running off the field without shaking hands. Who gives a shit? It's sports. Played by college kids, not monks. The Wolvie doth protest too much and is afraid to look into the mirror, methinks. By the way, to the writers and commenters- I do want to say I genuinely love this site. I mean that. Long-time lurker. Great analysis, very funny, and a whole array of interesting perspectives. I'd probably still read it if it concerned North Texas football. Any fanbase would be lucky to have this, including MSU's. PS- back to lurking for me. See you all next October and good luck the rest of the year. Give OSU hell. PPS- the targeting ejection was bullshit and yes we stole one. PPPS- what a classic.
EXACTLY. It's not a big deal

EXACTLY. It's not a big deal at all. From either side. Chris Perry can take a dump in my grandmother's soup if he wants after that game (note: I would rather he didn't). Anyone - on either side - who bemoans "a lack of class" and tries to claim moral superiority in a football game is a goddamn dingus and needs to go back to reading Jason Whitlock DERP PLAY THE RIGHT WAY DERPPP.

Rivalries happen Neither team has moral high ground here (not that football is a morality play in the first place).
The point is that college

The point is that college kids are dumb. It's hardly an indictment of the program, just like Perry's actions weren't. The "outrage" over 21-year olds acting like 21-year olds is hilarious.


Miracle win. Tip your hat and move on.

Chris Perry Uh oh, seems like someone is forgetting Chris Perry blowing kisses to the MSU section in 2003.