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Thank you, Brian. Thank you,…

Thank you, Brian. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You started this blog just after I moved to CA and it has kept me connected to/invested in Michigan athletics for, basically, my adult life. I love so much that you all do on this site, but your 'feels' game columns are my favorite. I look forward to more tomorrow. I just went on a 10 mile run this morning so I had an excuse to listen to the podcast. It was beautiful.

After years of trying to get my kids (2 middle schoolers) interested in Michigan Football (not easy from afar - college football isn't much of a thing here), they finally got invested this year. I tried to impress upon them just how special this team is and how special a championship is (I was a high school senior for our last one). Of course they can't possibly understand... yet.

I'm looking forward to buying your book encapsulating these last few years so I can savor this again and again. Thank you for being our guides on an unforgettable journey.

Centrifugal force

Win will cause me to... spin very fast in a circle with both middle fingers extended, hoping that the centripetal force can carry my gesture to haterz worldwide.

The centripetal force will keep his arms attached to his body.  The centrifugal force will carry his gesture to haterz worldwide.

I had a shock of familiarity I had a shock of familiarity as well. I live about 10 minutes away and walk around the lake on occasion.
I remember that concert! I also remember him being really drunk and ragging on some drunk frat boys. My favorite Norm moment was from Conan when he ripped into some poor woman who co-starred with Carrot Top in a movie.