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5 years 11 months

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Please do not post your…

Please do not post your assignments on this thread! Our enemies read these threads daily looking for insight to our strategy... any assignment you post gives them a clue to the larger puzzle. If you have a question about your assignment, try to be general, or reach out to the mods privately via reddit or discord!

That's team chaos, made up…

That's team chaos, made up of players whose teams have been conquered and players who had no team to begin with (joke flairs, FCS flairs, etc). Theyre the biggest in the game by numbers, but get a random multiplier of 0.5 to 1.0 every turn - making them weaker than the other teams. They're also not really organized at all like any real team.

If you click on the little…

If you click on the little purple speech bubble icon that's in the middle after you get an order, it will take you to the discord. You might have to create a discord account if you don't already have one. From there we can get you vetted and into our group discussions, where we have some tools to analyze results and keep track of how many users have gotten orders. 

Mod here! Let me try to…

Mod here! Let me try to answer your questions:

1) is a creation by our very own BlueScar, who is a whiz with technology. Basically, on the back end we mods discuss (with some input from the masses and allies) and assign the expected stars in the proportion we want. The website then does some calculation based on the orders its given out already and the distribution we want and gives you your selected order. This is why it's important that everybody follow their orders, as each order is dependent on the other orders already given out. 

2) If you want an in-depth look at the "rolls" on each territory, click on the territory on the map, then scroll down and click on the logo for the day you want to see. For instance, if you want to see the bad luck we had in Toledo last night, click on it, then click on Day 44. From there you can see a list of users and stars from all teams that voted on that territory, with the randomly-selected MVP (to determine the winning team) at the top. 

3) The (somewhat updated) rules to the game can be found here: It's not the most straightforward explanation but it explains the general mechanics of the game. 

Please do not ask for karma…

Please do not ask for karma farming or posbangs. That is against the rules of reddit. We've built a great relationship with the mods for bringing in so many new users who have followed the rules and been great contributors to the subreddit so far, so we don't want to sour it.

If you access the orders…

If you access the orders site, the little chess piece icon should link you straight there! 


Otherwise, the link is You’ll have to go thru a brief authentication (allowing the site to see your CFB flair and your karma) but if it white screens there, just re-enter that url and you’ll be set!