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Pike I just returned from a fly-in trip to Canada that was amazing. We saw moose, bear, beavers and eagles among many things.

We caught walleye and northern pike until are arms were ready to fall off. The biggest was a 31" pike, not huge for the lake but a blast to catch all the same. Most of the pike I caught were on a spoon, the bigger one was while trolling an Erie dearie.
My favorite pastime! I live near Toledo and the mighty Maumee river so the annual walleye run gets a lot of my attention form March thru April. My wife claims to be a fishing widow this time of year. It's a St Croix rod with a pfluger reel for me.

After the walleye leave the river it's on to white bass, small mouth and catfish until I get on the lake. Heading to Canada for a fly in trip in June for northern pike and trout.

Biggest fish was a 36" salmon on Lake Ontario a couple of years ago.
31 - 6

31 - 6 Michigan!


48 - 10

48 - 10 Michigan

With the last points scored on a hail mary to end the game.
(By Michigan of course)


72-6 Michigan

Starters stay in late into the game and Coach Frost earning a Schwartz smack on the back.

44-3 Michigan 44-3 Michigan
I would sure like to tickle

I would sure like to tickle me some Elmo.


I was fortunate enough to be able to eat dinner with Desmond a few years ago at a fund raiser that he was speaking at.  In the process, I managed to get my pic with him, my Michigan hat signed and best of all, I was able to talk football with one of the greats!