Woah! We got points now?

Submitted by UMxWolverines on
I just noticed that there's a point counter by our pictures now. How do we earn them? Edit: I have 2 now!


May 24th, 2009 at 8:30 PM ^

If points are some sort of post counter, I prefer no points. Quality over quantity and all that.


May 24th, 2009 at 9:44 PM ^

Ideally these things mod the trolls into oblivion. In practice, well, it's usually better than nothing. Edit: Oops, I should get points off for not reading to the bottom. Just call me Captain Redundant...


May 24th, 2009 at 9:10 PM ^

it would be neat if there was a thumbs up or thumbs down next to everyone's posts so you can accumulate negative points... as opposed to just a post counter.


May 24th, 2009 at 9:24 PM ^

This is the first step towards some user-generated moderation around these parts. I'm slowly assembling some tools, among them the thumbs up/down thing Joe suggested, and auto, temporary bans for people who get a lot of thumbs down.

Please be patient. I wouldn't bother racking up pointless points anyway since they'll get reset when they mean things. This is an experimental phase.

Right now you get points for posting stuff, FWIW.


May 24th, 2009 at 10:13 PM ^

This is bad, now more pointless posts like this one will be posted for the purpose of having the most points


May 24th, 2009 at 11:03 PM ^

it's not a bad idea, it shows who has been around for awhile and when people just post for point, it becomes evident and you suspend or ban them for being stupid


May 25th, 2009 at 9:55 AM ^

"Though it is considered gauche to publicly criticize posters for poor spelling or grammar, the network places a premium on literacy and clarity of expression." As much as I would prefer everyone to use perfect grammar and correct spelling, hopefully we'll see less posts criticizing small spelling mistakes.


June 1st, 2009 at 5:14 PM ^

I'm a journalist (caveat: background is history and I am also a computer nerd on the side) and punctuation inside quotes always irked me too. It comes from a scribal notion that punctuation must set apart sentences. Of course, with the advent of typing, and what's more, computerized spacing, having punctuation inside a quote is as necessary as double-spacing after a period. One family in the 1700s created most modern punctuation, or so I've been told (wanna go look up the specifics again). At that time, the material inside quotations was most often spoken. Today, when we can schmear, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V so quickly, so much more quoted text was something typed. In that context, I think it's high-time our punctuation evolved to meet the demands of a world as likely to communicate through a keyboard as a vocal cord. Punctuation itself is evolving as we learn to commit body language to text. Look at this sentence: Jump if I say "Red," "Blue," "Purple" or "Green." Jump if I say "Red", "Blue", "Purple" or "Green". The above is correct. The below, however, is easier to understand. This is because the computer literate populace places greater meaning on punctuation -- we see the comma a as pause, not a separator. We have also found ways of expressing EMPHASIS using capitals, raising an eyebrow (?), expressing surprise (!), and even expressing accompanying emotions, like showing something is meant to be taken lightly -- :) -- or knowingly -- ;). Such emoticonning doesn't translate well to current standards of AP, CHS, APA, MLA, etc. On the other hand, because we so seldom use "smart quotes" anymore, having an end-quote followed by a quote marks gets confusing. Better, IMO, to have only the material quoted inside the marks.