Who Do You Owe a "Special Shout Out Sorry" To?

Submitted by Geaux_Blue on

 Wolverine Nation:

 In light of this heartfelt apology from Pryor

"In terms of coach Jim Tressel, a special shout out. I'm sorry for all what went down and i apologize with all my heart. I love you just like a father, you taught me a lot. I apologize for putting you in a situation and taking you out of a job and a place that you loved to be.  I regret the fact that you're not there anymore and I regret the fact that I'm not there anymore."

I feel we should all come to a mea culpa and issue our Special Shout Out I'm Sorrys.

Here, I'll start:


Special Shout Out. I'm sorry for eating 3 different types of fast food on the drive home last night, drinking plenty of draft beer from an evidently dirty tap and then finishing the deed with McDonald's Breakfast and BW3 wings for lunch. How about we do a salad tonight? Respect.


Go ahead. Let it all out big guy. It's not your fault Will Campbell. It's not your fault.


June 14th, 2011 at 3:35 PM ^


Special shout out. Sorry for that super-sized pork burrito from La Bamba that my digestive system probably could have dealt with a little better.



June 14th, 2011 at 3:37 PM ^

Dear My TV,

I'm sorry I've thrown so much shit at you.  But you see, Michigan has been bad the past few years.  And I'm also a Browns, Indians and Cavs fan.  As you can see, things just sometimes don't go my way.  As for the Qdoba burrito a few weeks back... that was Final Jeopardy's fault.




June 14th, 2011 at 4:01 PM ^

I'm born and raised outside Cleveland. While not really a Cavs fan, I am a Browns and Indians fan. I am smart enough to have learned at a very young age to cheer for the best school in the country, however. See, I may be a Walmart Wolverine, but I'm a die hard, regardless. It's truly not fair to pick on someone's other teams if the umbrella we fall under is that of UM here. As long as you aren't whoring out your fandom to Ohio or MSU, or any other school for that matter, one man's other teams should be off limits.


June 14th, 2011 at 3:39 PM ^

In terms of Terrelle Pryor, a special shout out. I'm ecstatic for all that went down and I apologize with all my heart for criticizing you when you chose that school in Ohio. I love you just like a Wolverine, you taught me a lot about tOSU. I commend you for putting Tressel in a situation and taking him out of a job and a place that he loved to be.  I regret the fact that you're not there anymore but at the same time I wish you'd still be there.


June 14th, 2011 at 3:42 PM ^

Dear my Xbox360 controller,

    Special shout out. I know I've spiked you an unncessary amount of times. I'm a grown man and should know better and maybe just let it go...but seriously NCAA Football on Heisman is bullshit. Augusta National on Tiger Woods has the stupidest fucking greens in the history of the world AND WHY CAN'T MY CADDIE READ A GODDAMN GREEN I'M A 90 IN PUTTING FOR FUCKS SAKE. But seriously, bro...I apologize. I'll try and be better in the future. Thanks for not breaking and making me spend another $60 on a wireless controller.





June 14th, 2011 at 4:17 PM ^

Dear Victors_Valiant,

    Special shout out. I am probably one of those guys, along with my entire group of friends, that make you smash your controller off the ground when playing multiplayer on COD:MW2 or COD:BO. We're just really, really good at hardcore S&D and hardcore TDM. We also get very frustrated on the occasions we run into groups better than us. I know the feeling. Its nothing personal and again, I'm sorry.




Six Zero

June 14th, 2011 at 3:41 PM ^

"I kinda regret screwing up the lives of all my teammates, the longterm performance and financial viability of the football program and athletic department as a whole, helping to destroy the careers of several administrative executives and support staff, and just overall ruining the lives of the entire Ohio State fan base.

I could say more but me an' my agent got meetinz all day wit rich peeple B4 hittin da clubz fo hos."

big gay heart

June 14th, 2011 at 3:43 PM ^


special shout out. you're ok. i like the part in star wars when princess leia is chained to jabba the hut because of you. i drank off you for the first year of my life. i've always admired long, pointy nipples. but you're not the ass, you'll never be the ass. i regret that you're not the ass. ass, i love you just like a father. you taught me a lot. your friend,



June 14th, 2011 at 3:46 PM ^

It's not your fault that I ate taco bell for lunch yesterday, and ate at the mexican restuarant for dinner last night.......and ate a sausage burrito from McDonald's this morning......and ate left over tacos for lunch. It's not your fault.......not your fault.


June 14th, 2011 at 3:51 PM ^

Lloyd Brady, You are easily the greatest fan on the planet. I am sincerely sorry that your time as a student at Michigan was during a shit typhoon for our football program. Amidst some of my greatest pain as a fan were constant tv shots of your incredibly uplifting bowl cut and your boyishly ruggish good looks. Your omnipresence at Michigan sporting events in the most premium seating is nothing short of astounding. We at mgoblog appreciate the great times you've given us. Just so you know, I would like to sincerely point out that we do not laugh at you, but rather with you. In return for your loyalty, if I ever meet you I can offer you my girlfriend, my sister, and my 1988 Dodge Aries. Keep on making the world a better place, Officer Jim Lahey


June 14th, 2011 at 3:53 PM ^


I'm sorry for repeatedly punching you in the head while you were curled up like a little girl on the floor in the hallway our senior year in high school.  I know you had a raging headache for a long time after, and I"m sorry for that.  But I broke my hand on your skull.  So I suffered too.

I hope this shout out makes you feel better about getting your ass kicked in front of the entire school.




June 14th, 2011 at 6:04 PM ^

To the internet:

You know those over the line comments...The ones that show you a little more behind anonymous internet guy you've kinda known for a while but not really? I want to say thanks for those, because now I know to stay the hell away from jtmc33, yo. Not cool bro.


June 14th, 2011 at 3:59 PM ^

F5 key.

You've received so much abuse from us over these past few weeks.  How you have managed to stay attached to the keyboard is beyond us.


The MGoCommunity.



June 14th, 2011 at 4:05 PM ^

Lebron, on Monday morning I woke up with the same life that I had Sunday morning.  However, I also had a huge shit eating grin on my face thanks to you.  While you were spewing out garbage to the press, I could hear Dallas celebrating in the background inside your own building, which means you could hear it too.....incredible.


every sports fan outside of Miami and your mind numbingly stupid management team


June 14th, 2011 at 4:23 PM ^


I too have my normal life, but like Jason Segel's character in those commercials, I've had to defend MJ against all kinds of latest-hotness-must-be-best-everest people. And now, you'll never be compared to the GOAT again. Your abysmal performance in the finals were in so many ways things that MJ would never have let happen. Scoring so poorly, passing the ball right away, letting a teammate out-alpha you and chew you out on national TV. You're afraid to fail. If you're afraid to fail, you can never be great. 





June 14th, 2011 at 4:12 PM ^

I'd like to send a special shout out to my feet. I'm sorry I'm a fat lard. I'm sorry for having to use you as crutches to get around all the time. It's really not fair that besides my rear end, you're the only part of me that has to support me. The good news is, I guess, that I spend a lot of time on my butt so you don't have to hold me up so much. Thanks for being good to me all these years. Hopefully I never take you out of your job and a place I have to assume you love to be. I would regret it the rest of my life.


         Far Lard Airmanwolverine


June 14th, 2011 at 4:17 PM ^

Special shout out to Terrelle Pryor's Research Paper on Research

Research is the most used resource to finding out something you need from school papers to things you want to buy. Research is also used to find cheaper shopping supplies. For instance one store may have had a pricey type of material one was looking for and the other store you researched was a couple dollars cheaper. Coming out of high school I was thinking to my self what I wanted to do for a living and what I wanted to major in to start the quest for my job. Research is also used to find shopping cheaper shopping supplies.

I used the research process to find out what type of job specific major I wanted to major in and what type of job I wanted to do when I graduated from college. I researched different types of jobs, Criminal justice, business, communications, and education. I came up with criminal justice but couldn’t decide between business and criminal justice. I did research on business and did their pros and cons. Then, I did the pros and cons of criminal justice. I came up with in the business world you can either have a good chance at the type of business you want to start or a bad business that won’t sell or bring in money.

Another part of my research I did was the most important factors in the business, was what they want for what they can afford and is there a profit that can help me out to make some extra money.The availability of the job openings, the job entails, the pay hours. I looked up also whether I would have to be in school for along time or not to get a job. Also my personal enjoyment in the job would I love to do every day I woke up to go to work.

With out research I would not have been able to get these types of information for the job that I want to do for the rest of my life. If one would just go and do something with out researching first they could’ve missed something that could have later benefited later on or benefited one more then the other.


June 14th, 2011 at 4:26 PM ^

I think Pryor should have apologized to the actual paper that he printed that shit-sandwich on. All of that paper's friends were becoming Mark Twain novels, mcdonalds coupons, and possibly free handouts for strippers and hookers on the Vegas strip. Meanwhile that paper was forced to have a hand in completely ruining the King's English. If I were a piece of paper, I would rather be made into toilet paper than have that crap written on me. I'm not talking about charmin extra soft or any of that other good stuff. I'm talking industrial 1 ply, gotta use 3 feet per swipe just to get the job done stuff. I would rather be that than Pryor's paper on research.


June 14th, 2011 at 4:18 PM ^

Dear Hunwick,

Special Shout Out, 2 years ago you came into the game and I questioned who the U18 goalie was. I apologize for lack of faith. You have more heart than I could ever imagine and love watching you play hockey.



June 14th, 2011 at 4:24 PM ^

To my wife.


You could have done better.

In fact, you still can!  There's still time!  Get out there, find better!


It's been real,

Your husband (that you can DEFINITELY do better than)


June 14th, 2011 at 4:43 PM ^

To My Wife (on my wedding night),


I dont blame the mexican heat, the swim up all you can drink bar, or the excitement of getting married. I blame myself. I didnt know it was possible to black out. I dont know what happened, flashes of the pool, puking in the shower and the sink and waking up is all i have to hold on to. But thanks for informing me that I tried to make the wedding 'official' that night in my drunken state and even more thanks that you decided to wait until the next night.




actual photo


June 14th, 2011 at 4:26 PM ^

To my wife....I'd like to send a special shout-out to you for what I put you through last summer. We had issues and they weren't the big, loud issues that most couples in trouble go through. They were the insidious, near-silent things that you don't even know are there until you're so far down Sh*t Creek that you can't even remember what a paddle looks like. I wish like hell that I could have stopped myself from looking for what had gotten away from us in the wrong places. Or...place. (I can be honest now.) I wish I could have vocalized what I was experiencing and what I was feeling then. Maybe we couldn't have saved our marriage. But we would have felt better about walking away if I had. 

To my best friend...another special shout-out (but not the same KIND of shout-out! We know what that leads to) to you. TC...you are a beautiful woman. But you were a wonderful friend. We both went too far down the wrong road. We confused the love that friends are supposed to share with the love with love...well...that usually comes with hotel receipts that are hard to explain. I don't blame you for anything. We were two people who were just in a mess and we acted poorly. I know we went too far for us to be friends again. But I miss you an awful lot. Even if you did go to Ohio State for two semesters and allow your beautiful girls to wear OSU clothes just because their idiot father graduated from there. Your degree is from Pitt woman. Show some pride. But yeah...I miss you. And them. 


June 14th, 2011 at 4:35 PM ^

You know, some states have "alienation of affection" laws that allow an aggrieved spouse to sue a "significant other" in divorce proceedings for their participation in an affair that directly led to the divorce.  I sure hope that your above post does not serve as evidence in that lawsuit.  Brian will not be happy . . .

 See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alienation_of_affections



June 14th, 2011 at 4:28 PM ^

Too real?

Last year, there was a thread called, "What are you too frightened to admit anywhere else?" or something like that. And for the first time...I admitted to myself and to the world that I was afraid my marriage was over. I don't know any of you (and I will never meet you) and it was that anonymity that allowed me to say something that, up until then, was too horrible to say. It did me a tremendous amount of good.

So...it is in that vein that I tender that apology.


June 14th, 2011 at 4:28 PM ^

Special Shout Out to the law.  No matter how important you may be in a civilized nation, I despise practicing you.  I should not despise you so, given the fact that you help put foot on my table and pay my bills.  However, you do take time away from my participation in the MGoCommunity - you know that's not cool.  Nevertheless, I should send a Special Shout Out to you anyway.  A--hole.



June 14th, 2011 at 4:45 PM ^

Special Shout Out to JeepinBen:  Thank you for being a good MGoCitizen for all these months.  Unfortunately, we have to  part ways now and I must heretofore hate you, but it was good while it lasted.



June 14th, 2011 at 4:56 PM ^

Special Shout Out to ProfitGoBlue:

We're both men of the law. You know. We get after it. You know, we jabber jaw, we go tit for tat. We have our little differences. But at the end of the day, you win some, I win some, and there's a mutual respect left over between us.

 I'll just regress, because I feel I've made myself perfectly redundant.