Way OT: Pokemon Go leads to finding body

Submitted by MgoWood on

Not all games are bad for humanity...Apparently this Virtual game having people run around in the real world to catch Pokemon has lead to somone finding a body!?!  This happened in Wyoming where a teen had found a dead body.

I've never really been a fan of Pokemon, but thought that the idea of using th real world to catch it's creatures was intriguing enough to try.

Hopefully I linked this correctly.  If not my apologies.  First ever MGoBoard Topic.  I'm at everyone's mercy.



July 12th, 2016 at 9:58 AM ^

and you're playing Pokemon, that is a rare combination of skillz and I tip my hat out of hope for humanity. You are welcome to stand on my lawn while you capture monsters.

The people in the park looked like they'd have a freakout if any eye contact accidentally occured. This one ASD kid who walks around our neighborhood with big headphones on has more comfort with social interactions than those folks.

EDIT: in fairness, I live in Silicon Valley and your average person here is not comfortable with human interaction.


July 12th, 2016 at 12:55 AM ^

People love to complain about things that don't appeal to them. If you can't get the children away from technology, take the technology outside and make them move to succeed. Brilliant idea. 5/5

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July 12th, 2016 at 1:09 AM ^

My son and I wandered into a pond partially hidden by grass looking for an elusive Pokemon.

You really do need to pay attention to where the hell you are.

Mark my words:  There will be a big lawsuit coming when somebody does something stupid and negligent, but tries to sue Nintendo and whoever provides the app anyway.

And since nobody takes personal responsibility anymore, they will probably win or get a big settlement.



July 12th, 2016 at 1:21 AM ^

Scooping data. Makes sense. 


According to the Pokémon Go privacy policy, Niantic may collect — among other things — your email address, IP address, the web page you were using before logging into Pokémon Go, your username, and your location. And if you use your Google account for sign-in and use an iOS device, unless you specifically revoke it, Niantic has access to your entire Google account. That means Niantic has read and write access to your email, Google Drive docs, and more. (It also means that if the Niantic servers are hacked, whoever hacked the servers would potentially have access to your entire Google account. And you can bet the game’s extreme popularity has made it a target for hackers. Given the number of children playing the game, that’s a scary thought.)


July 12th, 2016 at 9:39 PM ^

Most adults don't really seem to understand that companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft are out there mining their personal data.  Google reading my emails?  *shrug*  Windows 10 watching everything I do?  *blank stare*

I'm in IT and I spoke to colleagues and friends/acquaintances about it when Windows 10 came out and how it's a big spyware platform, and most flat-out said they didn't care. 


July 12th, 2016 at 8:28 AM ^

To be fair, this appears to be an oversight, and Google has confirmed that Niantic is not accessing any data beyond what is stated in the privacy policy.

Ars Technica

One could argue, though, that this is too basic to be a mistake (if it is a mistake, it is epic) and instead some not-so-bright executives at Google/Niantic thought it was a good idea to establish full access from the get-go, for possible future use. Maybe five years ago you could have gotten away with this, but not now.


July 12th, 2016 at 1:27 AM ^

This seems like natural selection. If you get so wound up in your phone game you cannot pay attention to your real world surroundings, well, maybe you get what you deserve.

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July 12th, 2016 at 5:45 AM ^

I've seen dozens on kids in my neighborhood outside playing this game. At least they're getting outside and away from that Mtv.

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July 12th, 2016 at 6:47 AM ^

Just this morning, WXYZ here in Detroit went with a story about people already using Pokemon Go in a manner similar to Tinder as well, which is, well, interesting if nothing else. There was also a story yesterday from the St. Louis area about people using the app to target people for robberies as well. A very weird world now indeed. 

KC Wolve

July 12th, 2016 at 8:23 AM ^

This whole thing is bizarre. I usually just look right past these things I know nothing about, but for some reason I sort of want to download it. I'm traveling for work this week and am seeing people all around the hotel staring at their phones while walking. I am most certainly going to pass, but I am intrigued none the less.

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uncle leo

July 12th, 2016 at 10:02 AM ^

This game is going to lead to some pretty bad stuff. 

For one, kids are already pretty dumb. They will start wandering into streets while holding their phone in front of their face and get smoked by a car.

Two, this is completely infringing on people's property. People trying to get to backyards, hanging out at churches at 2 AM. Who is to stop hackers from luring people to some dirty ass house and robbing them?

Three, some cemeteries have been hot spots for catching stuff. It's so incredibly disrespectful.

Four, I love how people are complimenting the game that kids are "getting outside and moving." You guys know that you can go outside, on your own, right?

I just don't see this game ending well at all. There's too many infringement issues and danger issues with this.


July 12th, 2016 at 10:59 AM ^

There is apparently something in my neighborhood because we've had more foot traffic than normal, especially Sunday night. 

Hard to say who is my favorite...the mid 40's woman staring at her phone so intently she nearly fell over the curb or the 3 vaping guys debating the merits of various Overwatch characters while Pokeman-ing?