
May 3rd, 2019 at 11:04 AM ^

Don’t know much about sport science but I’m pretty sure his guy Alex Guerrero is considered to be “unscientific” and as a result in a way unethical with his practices.

A lot of people vouch for the methods though so I’m not sure what to believe!


May 3rd, 2019 at 1:34 PM ^

I switched over to drinking alkaline water and lost the dad bod.  I could only imagine what dedicating yourself to a complete alkaline diet does.

Plus, in laboratory studies, cancer cannot grow in alkaline environments.  Only time will tell but I haven't seen any side effects or heard of dangers (like what Keto diets can do to liver and kidneys) from an alkaline diet either.


May 3rd, 2019 at 4:43 PM ^

Curious - did you change anything else other than the water (i.e. any changes in diet, exercise, etc.)?  If not, how much weight did you lose and over what period of time?

Alkaline water typically has a pH around 8 (compared to regular water at 7), so it's surprising that changing the water alone would have such transformative results.


May 8th, 2019 at 11:49 AM ^

Nope... just the water

At first I cut out anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup in it.  Lost 15 pounds.

Then switched to water and lost another 15.

Always been active... I just had a stubborn fup which wouldn't go away.  Plus I'm over 40 so the metabolism is different.  So no other lifestyle changes.

Alkaline water typically has a pH around 8 (compared to regular water at 7), so it's surprising that changing the water alone would have such transformative results.

Last time I tested, my water was 8.9.  Considering the average tap is 6, a two to three swing in readings is a big difference.


May 3rd, 2019 at 2:04 PM ^

Google "Alex Guerrero" and you will have plenty of info but essentially he is a quack that preaches alternative medicine and alkaline diets. Mostly associated with athletes and celebrities that lack the basic understanding that the body MUST maintain acid-base homeostasis and while your urine pH may change with your diet your stomach and blood pH will not maintain a pH outside a specific range unless you have a disease process, are in the ICU, or dead/dying. While alkaline diets can very easily be healthy, it is because you have made the switch to eating unprocessed and whole foods and drinking more water, which does not require paying twice as much for fancy bottled water.


May 3rd, 2019 at 10:19 AM ^

Cue a bunch of people who have an odd irrational hate for Matt Damon for reasons they cannot articulate.

Harbaugh's Lef…

May 3rd, 2019 at 10:40 AM ^

I think some of it which is misdirected is his relationship with JLo, which, it's his own private life but then he made Gigli with her and yeah... that movie... wow!

Outside of the work he's done with Matt Damon, it's not anything great, by any means. He's been in more good/bad movies than anything. Movies that aren't really that good at all and his performance isn't but they're entertaining at 2am when nothing else is in, see Boiler Room.

He's been in a ton of movies, and if you look at the first half of his career, it's a good career but the second half leaves a lot to be desired and brings down the body of work as a whole.


May 3rd, 2019 at 10:45 AM ^

Disagree.  There are times when he leaves a lot to be desired as an actor but he has legit directing chops, and that is where he spends most of his time these days.  Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo are really good movies.  I think he also gave a really under-appreciated performance in Gone Girl as well.  I personally thought he should have been nominated for it.


May 3rd, 2019 at 11:05 AM ^

I think it is close to a masterpiece through the first two acts.  The Fenway job and corresponding events jumped the shark though and I don't think the last third held up.  It was still really good but I think could have been Best Picture good if it didn't turn into Die Hard at the end.


May 3rd, 2019 at 11:41 AM ^

Agreed, but I think this calls for an official "Rank the Jack Ryan" thread.  My rankings:

1.  Alec Baldwin (if for no other reason than his Sean Connery impersonation during the movie)

2.  Harrison Ford (a close second)

3.  John Krasinski

4.  Chris Pine

5.  Other actors that weren't cast

6.  Ben Affleck