Today is the Anniversary of the 1934 Michigan-Georgia Tech Game

Submitted by BursleyHall82 on

Today (Oct. 20) is Willis Ward Day, as declared by the Michigan Legislature back in 2012. Today is the 82nd anniversary of the 1934 Michigan-Georgia Tech game, in which Willis Ward was benched because of the color of his skin. His best friend on the team, Gerald Ford, took a stand that reverberates to this day. The No. 4 on this year's jerseys pays homage to Ford and Ward, and their incredible friendship.

If you don't know the fascinating story, make sure you get a copy of the documentary "Black and Blue." You can also check out the USA Today story from 2012 by clicking here.

Today is the anniversary of the darkest day in Michigan football history, but because of the character of those involved, it actually became one of the most uplifting.

Go Willis Ward. Go Gerald Ford. And Go Blue.


October 20th, 2016 at 2:00 PM ^

Yes, those dipshit millennials.  They have it so easy.  They can get a job right out of highschool and make enough money to feed a family.   They bought their houses for 25k and had barely any college debt if they even needed to go to college. Now they they make us pay for their medicare and social security! They they run up the national debt and make us go to wars in countries we have no business interfering with.  How dare they use up all our fossil fuels and contribute to global warming and then use shitty banking practices that lead to near economic collapse and make it even harder for us to get jobs and pay off our debt. Then they give us the worst presidential candidates of all time so we can ensure this continues on and on until theres nothing left of our soul's except for the dried flakey eczema dust of burned hopes and dreams.  OH WAIT . . . THAT WAS THE BABY BOOMERS!    Do us all a favor and die off faster.  Don't worry we will all pay for your healthcare and death expenses justy like you planned.


October 20th, 2016 at 5:07 PM ^

Don't worry. Your generation will fuck shit up too.

You really are a dipshit millennial. For starters, the US and every other power in the history of man and gone to war in places they ought not have. That is not unique to America.

Secondly, people now get jobs out of college and make enough money to pay for a family. Many do not get into debt dong so either. No none is forcing you to take out loans for college. No one forces you to make the dumb decisions that you make on your own.

Thirdly, run up the national debt? You mean like what America has done on and off for hundreds of years and what your generation will do in funding college for all and single payer health care system?

Fourthly, all of us are contributing to globally warming and all of us benefit from the practices that created it. Industrialization helped the create the wealth that made the massive advancements in health and technology we all benefit from.

Fifthly, this country has come a lot closer to economic collapse than we did in 2008. 1907 and 1929 to be more precise.

Sixty, they are two of the worst, but James Buchanan is still the worst of all time. Allowing a nation. To slip into civil war...yeah, not a good look.

Your woeful ignorance of history combined what the hubris of youth and a flawed education has lead you to make several bigoted and quite stupid statements. Statements that more experienced and learned minds know are not fully informed.

The Boomers have their flaws. So does your generation and every generation of humans for all humans are fallible.

The Boomer did more than their fathers did. They started the process of racial equality and they made environmentalism a front burner topic.

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October 20th, 2016 at 6:05 PM ^

Also, what's a debt dong? That sounds fun. I live in a tree so I have not contributed to global warming aside from some occasional methane release. I guess my rant was good bc I havent a clue about any of those topics. I just know those are things people say. Maybe we can ask mgrow old about James Buchanon. I heard they were classmates.


October 20th, 2016 at 6:20 PM ^

I'm gonna try to leave my offspring a better framework and environment to live and make choices within than my generation inherited. If I fail I won't blame them for not liking the world that I helped to shape while they didn't even exist and tell them it's fine bc other countries are shitty too and we had a worse president once upon a time and your benefiting from the shitty stuff I created so you better be grateful you little shit. Youll be shitty like me too! None of this make the world better nonsensense! Get off for my lawn you woefully uneducated idealistic hippy!!


October 20th, 2016 at 1:31 PM ^

Anyone have an details about what they'll do for this tomorrow?  I'm glad that rather than hide from this event any longer, they've decided to talk about it.  I am very much looking forward to whatever tribute they do, as it is LONG overdue.