The State Of Our Open Threads: After Oregon State (Year One, Game Two, Era Of Harbaugh)

Submitted by LSAClassOf2000 on

One thing I will mention right from go - yesterday was actually the single most productive day for the open thread on the MGoBoard since I began keeping these stats a couple years ago. The combined size of the open threads for the game was 2,709 posts, which is a blog best and nearly 300 posts larger than last year's largest threads - Rutgers and Ohio State.

Probably starting next week, when there are three games of data to discuss and therefore maybe a trend (although I don't know if a spreadsheet meant to track contentment / discontent really has trends all the time). For now, one more results summary. For the two games played so far:

"fuck" 282 141.00 21.00 21.63%
"shit" 133 66.50 30.50 10.20%
"damn" 92 46.00 6.00 7.06%
"fire" 40 20.00 20.00 3.07%
"suck" 73 36.50 10.50 5.60%
"ass" 65 32.50 16.50 4.98%
"Morris" 94 47.00 7.00 7.21%
"Harbaugh" 294 147.00 4.00 22.55%
"Peppers" 120 60.00 7.00 9.20%
"Butt" 111 55.50 6.50 8.51%

Among the ten major tracked words right now, "Harbaugh" and "fuck" are the clear leaders, although you almost never see the two together, of course. Actually, in yesterday's threads, "fuck" - a majority of the 162 we gave - were reserved for the first and second offensive drives and also Big Ten officiating. There was a spike in "Harbaugh" during the now well-publicized bout of fulminating rage that many - myself included - found soothing.

Game-over-game from Utah, the frequency of "fuck" and "Harbaugh" was very stable, but we saw a huge spike in "shit" and "Morris", with a lot of people concerned mainly about the first drive and offensive line play in the first quarter (most of the "shit") and maybe giving Morris a shot for various reasons (most of which - like usual - aren't compelling). 

Cumulative efficiency for this game was 3.53, which is a drop from last week's 2.64. Adjusting for the "original six" on this tracker, efficiency becomes 6.06, which is actually pretty normal for a win (although it has been as low as the 14-15 range in years past, but those were blowouts and we didn't have Harbaugh). 

What the results have made me realize thus far? I need to revise the Mood Chart for the Harbaugh Era. The Oregon State game with last year's parameters would have been well into the "Anger" quadrant, but obviously aside from particular features, that game went rather well overall. Of course, this year was all about seeing how Harbaugh would affect the results.




September 13th, 2015 at 10:51 AM ^

If you saw a fuck, the person was pissed. Now it's hard to tell without context. It could be a happy fuck or a sad fuck. It could be a "fuck yeah",  a "fuck you" or a "what the fuck" directed at the referees.

Last year I looked at this thread as a happiness factor or maybe I should say unhappiness. This year is much more confusing.


September 13th, 2015 at 9:40 AM ^

What about also tracking words expressing happiness this year?  "Woo", "Awesome","Yay", "Yes" are a few that come to mind. 

I know this is new concept to many of my younger brethren here on the site (happy in-game bloggers) but trust me - you'll get used to it.


September 13th, 2015 at 10:35 AM ^

From my experience being a and around MIchigan fans, we don't typical find joy in happiness. We have a perverse desire to bitch and moan. I think your idea is too far ahead of its time to work here...


September 13th, 2015 at 9:48 AM ^

"Fire" broke down into a few major categories - during the first quarter, there were a few "fire Borges" references, but actually a few "fire Durkin" mentions as well, which I assume were in jest. No self-respecting fan would shout that after one bad drive, right? RIGHT? *listens intently*

For basically the rest of the game, a great deal (over 80%) of the "fire" references were actually of the more optimistic variety, such as "we are on fire" or "_____ is on fire". As the season, progresses, this gets broken down more formally, part of the "refocus" I mention at the end. 

In response to a suggestion above, yeah, "awesome" and some others will start creeping in - a slow adjustment to a new era (partially because this is a large spreadsheet and adjustments are a pain in the ass). 


September 13th, 2015 at 10:04 AM ^

I have to confess that I now feel petty for so quickly getting the f-bombs out of the holster early yesterday.  And really the only legitmate faction deserving said treatment from the 2nd quarter on was indeed those no talent ass clown refs.  But dang is it refreshing to have a coach with a pulse and a gift for letting loose some righteous anger.

This feature continues to be an invaluable service.  Thanks.


September 13th, 2015 at 10:10 AM ^

Very surprised by the early negativity in the early portions of the first 2 games by Mgo posters.

First failed drive and people are saying we're a 6 win team or our talent isn't there this year. The biggest mental leap Michigan fans are still making is the superb coaching needs some faith. Also this team is way more scrappy and won't give up.

One article I read of the kids mentioned being in the huddle, looking over his shoulder to see JH on the sideline...and how it was a very comforting feeling. That is a very powerful insight into the new way these kids are thinking.

Michigan is sort of becoming like Rocky.  Pummeled in the first few rounds, make some mental adjustments then starts to wear you down. 


September 13th, 2015 at 11:09 AM ^

The terrible terribleness of the past few seasons is something that everyone is still struggling with and when the team comes out flat and still vulnerable to those same bugaboos, I think everyone gets rightly concerned and worried. We're also conditioned to not expect improvement or a particular degree of resilience, so of course this is going to happen until we learn to love or trust again. We're wounded puppies who will recover in time but it's going to take awhile.


September 13th, 2015 at 10:15 AM ^

Harbaugh > fuck. This is a good trend. Usually indicates the direction a program is heading in when the coaches name occurs more often than the most common cuss, while at the same time "fire" is virtually nonexistent.


September 13th, 2015 at 10:53 AM ^

but i didn't get near the computer til halftime yesterday and couldnt find a Blyve liveblog mention anywhere (usually wolvinIA or somebody).

Those liveblogs average a ridiculous amount of posts and if there wasn't one set up yesterday it may have added to the open thread popularity.

Either way, yay for us.


September 13th, 2015 at 10:53 AM ^

open threads, a bastion of rationality where posters claim that the season is doomed and the team will struggle to be bowl eligible after one drive, then by the end of the game are saying that the team can compete with MSU and OSU for the Big Ten championship after beating up a bad team.