The Space Emperor of Space commands you!

Submitted by James Burrill Angell on

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Zoltan Mesko met up with one of the alums working on our MGoAuction fundraiser to raise money for undergrad scholarships and autographed this poster commemorating the 2008 Michigan vs. Wisconsin game (the 500th game in Michgian Stadium). He also added the inscription of "The Space Emperor" to his signature and number and offered his shout out to the MGoBlog community for the name. So for those of you in the MGoBlog community looking to add something to the man room, it won't get much more unique than this.

James Burrill Angell

June 22nd, 2011 at 1:57 PM ^

Without long detail, we have "an agreement" with the many relevant familiesof development in the UofM universe (if it sounds sort of Godfather-ish, it is in fact like that)  that we go primarily into the fall timeslot so we don't step on toes of other groups in other times of the years. That said, no one cares when we start bidding, just when we end it.