Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat (Charlie Weis)

Submitted by Thorin on
I are winrar?

Griff Cannon

May 12th, 2009 at 12:35 PM ^

so what are you attempting to do here? Are you trying to make fun of someone who had their knees obliterated? Do you seriously think that is funny? Man its threads like this that makes me think the name scUM is deserved.


May 12th, 2009 at 1:02 PM ^

Yes this is funny, no I don't feel bad in the slightest, and yes I plan on distributing this video to all friends and family. Even some OSU buddies will get a laugh out of this one. Relax Griffin, if you're so inclined to moan about how UM fans are laughing at Charlie Weis's woes, STOP READING MICHIGAN BLOGS.


May 12th, 2009 at 1:20 PM ^

I like laughing at Weis as much as the next UM fan, but I feel like it is a little over the top to laugh at some one getting hurt, even if it is that pathetic excuse for a football coach. Seriously, I feel like laughing at some one getting hurt is something a Buckeye fan would do, and don't we pride ourselves on having more class than them?


May 12th, 2009 at 3:00 PM ^

No. I laugh at my friends getting hurt. They laugh at themselves getting hurt. Haven't you ever told a story with friends about that one time so and so fell off the porch or got hit by a bicycle or something? Everyone laughs, even the guy who got hurt. It's not because they hate their friend, it's because people getting hurt is funny. Had Charlie Weis died or had some sort of permanent handicap it would be different. He's going to be OK, he even joked about it afterward. Chill the F out.

Glen Masons Hot Wife

May 12th, 2009 at 3:45 PM ^

A kid's lifelong dream being almost flushed down the toilet as his knee and shin become instantaneous strangers (see McGahee, Willis): Not funny. A choad who cares very little about physical health being temporarily immobile with the same injury: Let the jokes begin.