Outpouring of support for Blake O'Neill

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on

While the negative stuff with the idiots was highlighted, I think it's impotant to highlight the support he's been getting.

From past Michigan kickers to ESPN personalities.


Stay @blakewoneill failure can lead to your greatest accomplishment It eliminates fear of failure & allows u to reach your true potential

— Jay Feely (@jayfeely) October 18, 2015

Our darkest moments, can lead us to see bright moments more clearly. Keep doMinating @blakewoneill #UMSpecialists https://t.co/ualEnUICxJ

— Phil Brabbs (@Brabbs) October 18, 2015

Garrett Rivas 140+ character tweet-

as a former @umichfootball specialist, with games falling on my shoulders, it is a situation words cannot explain, most cannot even fathom what the feeling is like... since you don't know, keep your thoughts to yourself... he knows he messed up, he will learn from it, life will go on, the blue is and will be fine, on to the next one... we are all feeling for ya brother @blakewoneill 

If you are harassing the Michigan punter, be aware it says a lot more about you than it does him. He gave his best, while you are a lowlife.

— Mike Greenberg (@Espngreeny) October 18, 2015

Keep fighting and ignore the noise of people who don't matter my good brother! @blakewoneill #GoBlue #LearnMoveOn pic.twitter.com/dJt2rB2XCj

— Devin Gardner (@devingardnerXCI) October 18, 2015

There's a Facebook page dedicated to supporting Blake O'Neill. It has close to 1900 likes so far. pic.twitter.com/87xayU4SVJ

— Josh Henschke (@HenschkeScout) October 18, 2015


October 18th, 2015 at 11:01 PM ^

I hate how this has all become such a contrived ritual these days. Some player blows a game, anonymous no-brained trolls lash out on twitter, regular people go above and beyond to support that player. Rinse and repeat.

Don't get me wrong but seriously people, it's just a football game. The outcome isn't going to improve your life as much as you think it is. Why must we go through this outrageous saga over and over again? All it proves is that we care wayyy too much.

Obviously the real culprits are the lowlife trolls but at this point if I'm Blake O'Neill I'm feeling a tad patronized by my supporters. Dude is an Aussie stud playing football for free on one of the best college campuses in the country, I seriously think he'll be okay...

Frankly I feel much more outrage toward the limitless internet trolling that goes on every day, preying on the weak and insecure. The mental suffering that it causes is immense, but you won't ever see them getting NYT articles, tweets, or ESPN segments for support. Not that he doesn't deserve it but I think it's a bit malapropos that as O'Neill is being showered in compliments there are millions of much more vulnerable victims suffering alone and in silence.


October 19th, 2015 at 7:25 AM ^

O'Neill is still one of the best punters Michigan has ever had.  One bad play, in a whole season of fabulous punting.  We want him, and we want his little brother (if he has one) when he graduates.


October 19th, 2015 at 8:03 AM ^

Its insane to me that anyone would say anything bag about this kid. I've never cared to pay attention to special teams until this year. The kid continues to dominate the field position game. With the defense we've had this year, those punts inside the 10 make the difference. Keep your head high, Blake!


October 19th, 2015 at 9:24 AM ^

Social media has a ton of problems to it aside from the anonymity, but one is the fact that Twitter is now the go-to resource for middle schoolers and high schoolers.  So the adult world becomes subjected to the inane warblings of 11 year old kids not knowing if the idiocy they spew is actually coming from an adult.  Yes, some of the rants were probably from mentally challenged adults, but my guess would be the vast majority came from people under the age of 18 who due to their lack of life experience, have their heads firmly up their ass.

UofM Die Hard …

October 19th, 2015 at 11:31 AM ^

Is this blog considered social media?  If so, not including this blog.  A lot of smart people on here but I really really hope no one on this blog were contributing to that Twitter bullshit.


Whoever goes to the Minnesota game, give Blake as loud of an ovation as you can handle.