OT: What will preoccupy your time this fall aside from Michigan football?

Submitted by Hail to the Vi… on August 27th, 2021 at 11:43 PM

For me, I have a couple DIY projects at the house. Painting and refurbishing the living room and upgrading the master closet. Taking a long weekend road trip to Virginia Beach in early October to visit some old friends. 

As for the lazy Sunday's I have available, probably the same routine of flipping channel between the Lion's getting smoked and whatever movie TBS is playing that I've seen a thousand times.

Cold War

August 31st, 2021 at 11:15 AM ^

Gotta admit I'll be spending less time this fall than I have in quite some time. It isn't worth the aggravation, and college football isn't what it used to be in general.