OT: Tim Tebow Immortalized

Submitted by sedieso on
http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=4016429 The speech that he gave after the Ole Miss loss last year has now been engraved in a plaque and placed somewhere in their facility. I honestly wonder what is the worst thing that has happened to him in his life. This guys college career certainly kicks Van Wilder's college experiences' ass.


March 25th, 2009 at 11:06 PM ^

God I hate Tim Tebow. I'm sooooooo tired of hearing about him. I was hoping beyond hope that I could go at least 1 month without hearing about him but no, this had to come out. Oh well, I still have april to look forward to.


March 25th, 2009 at 11:15 PM ^

I don't hate Tebow, I just hate him being the entire color commentary in every game that he is in. I would much rather have a Tim Tebow than a Terrell Owens on my team.


March 25th, 2009 at 11:49 PM ^

Tebow is a good kid, I wish we had a Tim Tebow on our team. I wish someone on our team would make a speech (and deliver) like that. I think it will be a long time before we stop hearing about this kid. The ESPN guys are saying that he will probably be considered the best college player ever. All of that being said, does anyone out there see a sex and or money scandal coming for this kid. Probably right before the draft in April 2010


March 25th, 2009 at 11:52 PM ^

I hate Tebow because he is not on our team and he is too perfect. If he was a wolverine I'd prolly jack off to his picture like everybody at UF, but hes not, so I hate him. I dont think its all his fault, he's just overhyped and I'm tired of hearing about him.

turbo cool

March 26th, 2009 at 7:48 AM ^

if it makes you feel any worse when he visited michigan he was put off by when he went out and everyone was drinking. don't know how that would've been any different than his UF trip but i remember talking to some of the guys one the team and they couldn't get him to relax and have a few beers. but everyone else did.


March 26th, 2009 at 7:38 AM ^

In every instance I can remember, it was always other people glorifying him, never him promoting himself or inferring he was better than others. This Meyer thing is a perfect example: VERY annoying, but it was Meyer and Florida who did this, not Tebow suggesting "uh, you know Urban, that speech I gave was pretty fucking great. Can't you figure out a way to make that live forever, just like I will?"

Emperor of Blogs

March 26th, 2009 at 12:42 AM ^

no one would be talking about tebow had sedieso not brought up this topic. he's not being flaunted in the media, douches like the OP post about it. wonder when the next F GRIFFIN thread will come up.


March 26th, 2009 at 1:29 AM ^

If the person who posted was such a "douche," then why are you here commenting on the post? There isn't anyone actually holding your mouse hand and making you click onto Tim Tebow posts, is there? I think your right hand really likes Tebow, and IT forced you to read the post.


March 26th, 2009 at 3:08 AM ^

So tired of hearing about Tebow. Awesome. The guy's a great player and likes circumcising little Filipino boys on his spring break instead of drunkenly slaying Asian beav. I wish he'd just graduate already so the NFL can rant and rave about the guy instead of Gary Danielson whenever I watch an out-of-conference college football game.

Six Zero

March 26th, 2009 at 7:39 AM ^

"I once got beat by a bunch of pretty boys on a glorified MTV soap opera." Hey, legends... lore... tradition... it's what college football's all about it. And it's what the NFL will never really have. You don't have to like Tebow, and I'm certainly not a fan-- BUT this season added to the Gators tradition, and I have no problem with them building on it.


March 26th, 2009 at 8:23 AM ^

...and enjoy the Musberger, Fowler, Herbstreit, Danielson (though it's not the spread at Florida PUKE) and Corso suck-fests that will ensue this fall. It's in every Michigan fan's best interest that Florida go undefeated and win another national title. That will confirm the answer to this trivia question: What was the only team to defeat the legendary Tim Tebow in a bowl game? And you can hold your head high in twenty years and say, MICHIGAN. And the other people will say, "Wow that Michigan team did quite a feat. What a team!" Then just leave the room before you're asked about the rest of Michigan's season.


March 26th, 2009 at 10:47 AM ^

Just last night or night before..... ESPN went to do a short off-season blurb on college football. And who else.... TIM TEBOW, and there was Urban Meyer saying "I've never been as close to any player as I am to Tim Tebow." (Quote may be a little off, sorry.) Bring on the barf bag, please. There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NEW in this latest Tebow ad. It was pointless, unless the point was to further glorify Tim Tebow. I have tried to be reasonable about my own growing irritation over this guy... tried not to be simply jealous that he doesn't play for us... that sorta thing. But I'm beyond all that now. ENOUGH OF HIM. I mean, it's MARCH for crying out loud. Can I PLEEEEEEEASE not have to hear about Saint Timothy until at least the end of July?? GEEZ!


March 26th, 2009 at 10:51 AM ^

preseason series about how 2005 USC stacked up against numerous other great college football teams of the past, complete with roundtable discussion and hypothetical game matchups, final scores, and online voting? I guarantee we'll see a month-long preseason package openly wondering whether Tim Tebow is the best college football player of all time, comparing him with Bronko Nagurski, Red Grange, Bo Jackson, Herschel Walker, Charles Woodson, etc., complete with round-tables with Lou Holtz Herbstreit and May, online voting opportunities, and suck-fests with Urban Meyer.


March 26th, 2009 at 11:01 AM ^

Tebow is a great player, but his speech sucks. Give me a break. It's so plebeian as to be laughable. With the eloquence of a chimp gargling its own feces, Tebow is immortalized.