Everyone Murders

January 13th, 2017 at 7:25 AM ^

I did not see the unedited OP, but I'm putting the odds on the original name used somewhere like:

Greenstein - 2:1

Goldberg - 10:1

Greeneey - 15:1

Greene -15:1

Goldstein - 15:1

Goldburg - 15:1

Greenburg - 15:1

Golicberg - 75:1

Golicstein - 125:1

Field - 5:1

(and no, I don't know if these add up to 1:1)

Kiss Kramhole

January 13th, 2017 at 1:16 AM ^

If they want to save their network they need to fire hacks like Greenie, Stephen A, and Jemele just to name a few. SVP is about the only one left on the Mothership with any talent

Everyone Murders

January 13th, 2017 at 7:35 AM ^

Zero.  Rob has zero because in addition to the 37 eaten, he lost one in his bus seat, and the mean kids that sit in the back of the bus stole four.

Rob has no candy left - only his justified hate of Jemele Hill.