OT: FLINT #EATING GARDEN FUNDRAISER 3/14 with me Vincent Smith 4-8pm @Corner Brewery YPSI

Submitted by MrSmith on

Hello everyone this is Vincent Smith and we are having a fundrasier and it is at the Corner Brewery.  We are expanding #EATING gardens and into FLINT and we have some great things planned.


Come play chess and hang out with me and friends at the Corner Brewery in Ypsilanti Michigan.    Tell your friends and come over this Saturday 3/14.


rob f

March 10th, 2015 at 5:00 PM ^

#EATING events someday soon, just not this one.  I'd probably skip the chess, though, unless I can brush up on the game by playing my oldest daughter next time she stops by---our chess board here at home has been collecting dust for well over a dozen years now (not that I was ever all that good at the game, anyway).

On the other hand, I could bring along a board game I'm actually pretty good at---anyone want try their luck taking me on in a game of Chutes and Ladders ?

For those who can be there---have fun and enjoy the beer! 



March 10th, 2015 at 6:12 PM ^

Cannot make the event, but please keep us posted on a way to donate. Grew up in the Flint area and there are a lot of people in need of help up there. Keep up the great work!