OT: Dumbest thing done whilst staying quarantined.

Submitted by RedRum on July 18th, 2020 at 8:03 PM

I launched my boat today. Due to brackish water, I taker her out of the water each Monday. Our usual plan is to hit the glass water at seven am sharp. Ski for an hour or two then pick up omelette and a half galling of frozen screw drivers via boat and have a feast in the house. I spent this afternoon cleaning the hull. I was on my back in the driveway scraping god knows what off the hull of my Mastercraft. Painstakingly cleaned every inch, filled Her with gas, whole nine yards. My nine and six year old have gone up on skis and are doing great. My nine year old wants to start slalom skiing like her dad and uncle. The joy of teaching them the love of skiing has been a gift for which I cannot repay. Tomorrow morning was going to be up at six thirty, first skier up by seven am. We were all excited and, still are, having steaks and baked broccoli for dinner. We are no longer going to bed early for the morning, because jackass mcgee (me) hit reverse thirty seconds early on the boat ramp. Prop nicked the trailer real good. Boat shakes like a junkie two hours after supper time. No I’m drinking. A. Lot. My own fault. Stupid mistake. I have the 500 for the prop no problem but I have to drive the boat to a prop guy on Monday. I ruined the Sunday skiing. F me. I’m pretty down on myself at the moment. Anyway, I figured I’d post this, share some others mistakes and turn it into a laugh. Stay safe everyone. 

Flying Dutchman

July 19th, 2020 at 2:06 PM ^

I have 3 Phases of hair at 44 y/o.    The top front actually has decent hair and is actually still dark, not very gray.   The top rear is a complete hopeless big white bald spot.   Then I also have the "power donut" that all your grandfathers had, and that comes in about half gray.  Needless to say, I'm a frequent buzzer of my head with just the clippers and it ties together okay for a nice low maintenance hairdo.

So I thought it would be cool to use the razor and try to go smooth on top.  That can be a good deal for bald dudes with a properly shaped head.    Not me.  I had a damn "5 o'clock" shadow on half my dome about 4 hours after shaving it.   Like sandpaper. 


July 19th, 2020 at 1:10 AM ^

Was doing a golf drill in my living room and accidentally stuck my 8 iron in the ceiling. But then I went out and shot a 79 so I don't think I'm mad about it anymore.


July 19th, 2020 at 7:08 AM ^

God you suck!  

I found a beautiful hand carved Italian crafted Grandfather's clock for my Mother's birthday.  I picked it up, disassembled it, and put in the back of my SUV on Friday.  It didn't quite allow me to close the hatch.  I stood the counterweights upright in a position where I "thought" it was safe none could escape.  Well the smallest counterweight obviously found a way to jump over the two larger counterweights and meander it's way out of my vehicle on the 90 minute drive.  Now she has a clock that doesn't work until I can have a counterweight shipped to them.  Thankfully, they are easy to find on eBay.  Happy Birthday Mom!

I suck too.


July 19th, 2020 at 1:48 PM ^

13th Century, according to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology.  There are a bunch of words that are like "whilst" - amidst, amongst, etc.  In at least one case, "against," the parasitic form has almost totally replaced the base form (in that meaning). 

The suspicion is that these parasitic forms just sounded better in Middle English (which added an "s" to words to make them adverbs, so the choice was "whiles" or "whilst" in that form of English, and "whilst" just sounds better when you are going to add another word after it).

In American English, these forms generally sound pretentious.  Their meaning is identical to the base forms (while, amid, among, etc).


July 19th, 2020 at 9:39 AM ^

You know that old line about a boat being a hole in the water into which you throw money?

Try owning an airplane. Boats are a bargain by comparison.


July 19th, 2020 at 10:20 AM ^


My elderly neighbour:  "I think I'll take you up on your offer to cut my hedge out front."

Me:  "Sure, I'll be round this afternoon."

Several hours later after cutting the hedge, and I hear a knock on the door...

My elderly neighbour:  "My satellite TV isn't working, can you come have a look?"

Me:  (thinks to self...hmmm...I bet I know what that could be.)

Few hours later, a trip to the DIY store and a few dollars lighter, satellite TV up and working again.  Moral to the story:  If you are going to help your elderly neighbour by trimming her hedge, don't cut through her Sky TV cable that invisibly runs behind her hedge and up against the garage wall.  


July 19th, 2020 at 3:39 PM ^

Invited a relative over for a birthday dinner (his) as a nice gesture after it seemed ok to do so.  We aren't exactly close, maybe an attempt to play nice and mend some fences.


I mostly sat there for 2 hours dumbfound and mortified as it became clearer he and his girlfriend are not taking covid-19 seriously, are "masks are tyranny dolts", and he's really impressed by Trumps "policies" and that they'll never buy anything from Wayfair again.



Dr. Detroit

July 19th, 2020 at 5:42 PM ^

Can't say it's exactly a "dumb" thing, but...

I bought an electric scooter.  Love the thing.  I was riding it the other day, taking it easy.  I'm no hot shot who has anything to prove.  Well, apparently I had a seizure & just collapsed.  Broke my face, some ribs and everything hurts.  When I say I broke my face, they had to put a plate above my eye & reposition my cheek.  I have limited feeling in half of my face right now, and that's probably for the best.  I had never had a seizure before.  Suddenly I went from a nice pleasant ride to realizing I was in an ER with them pulling the covid test swab out my nose.  They said I never lost consciousness, but wasn't really there.  Couldn't tell them the year & thought Obama was still president.  They knew I was back to reality when my answer to the later question was "Do I really have to say that vile name?  I would rather not."

When I heal up I will ride again.  I'll just be buying a full-face helmet this time instead of just using my bike helmet.  But DAMN this sucks...


July 19th, 2020 at 7:39 PM ^

doc, sorry to hear of that serious face plant.  that's no joke.  also, if you really had a seizure you actually shouldn't be driving anything.  get a detailed neurological set of tests done and see the right specialists.  it may be that you had a regular accident and didn't have a seizure.  instead, you just gorked your squash enough that you don't remember the 'why/how' of the accident, but it may be you did in fact have a seizure.  get well soon. 

Hemlock Philosopher

July 20th, 2020 at 8:15 AM ^

A few weeks ago I did some menial task around the house that required me using my razor. Instead of putting it away properly, like I "always" do, I set it on top of my tool chest for no purpose other than attempting to cut off my toe when it would inevitably would fall from 4.5 feet and land on my foot. Which it did yesterday. 


July 20th, 2020 at 9:36 AM ^

Yesterday I went for a 12-mile run in near-100 degree heat with 75% humidity. Felt sick for about three hours after I got back. Pretty dumb.


July 20th, 2020 at 10:45 AM ^

I've been solo in my Brooklyn apartment since March 13th and working insane hours 6-7 days a week because my job takes twice as longer to do now (and I also work for a shitty company who breaks every freelance labor law on the books) So, I'm basically stuck at my desk all day. Stupidest thing I've done though...probably not being more mindful of what I'm eating. Smartest thing...using marijuana regularly. It's saved my ass these last four months.