
September 11th, 2020 at 6:30 PM ^

Couldn't get link above to work. Try this:


Harbaugh's Lef…

September 11th, 2020 at 6:43 PM ^

It's just exhausting that every single day, there is a new article or story or coaches press release stating there might be a chance or there should be a season. It's been a constant game of hokey pokey from everyone who doesn't really have much of a say since the Presidents, who do not seem to be budging from their vote, decided to vote to postpone the season.


September 11th, 2020 at 8:16 PM ^

Most of that has been a bunch of nonsense from Sir Yacht and people not in the know.

This is actual new information being presented by the medical staff that presumably were the ones pushing to postpone in the first place.  Something they say is a major change since five weeks ago.

This does offer a glimmer of hope.  Probably still a no, but it's certainly a glimmer.


September 11th, 2020 at 9:03 PM ^

SirYacht is 100% full of shit, but his shit may stick if we're honest.

I'm almost positive someone told him there's a chance the B1G can play on Oct. 10 and that was the push and he's literally making everything up.

All the guarantees and the dates that don't come to fruition, but the final date is the one that matters and the one that will put him in the HOF of trolls.

It's really quite simple, the B1G has two tasks forces...and THAT is who the President's have always been listening to. Kevin Warren was always a scapegoat.

Also, all of these idiots on Twitter complaining don't realize that one of these task forces is made up from head medical experts from THEIR universities! There are 14 people on it, duh, 1 per school.

Warren is the messenger, but the President's are listening to the experts and they're just now starting to come around with rapid testing and seeing how others are playing football.

I think we play, I haven't been this optimistic in a long time. All schools may not play, Rutgers may sit, which if you're may want a free year to coach your team without a terrible record. I haven't heard anything from him.

But in the end, I see at least 12 teams playing. Now just go beat OSU. PLEASE!


September 12th, 2020 at 8:58 AM ^


What is so hard to understand that what you're talking is not the point and was never the point. 

Until the figured out a way to get more testing or faster testing it really didn't matter how we were trending as a country. 

We can disagree...but for everybody bitching while ignoring what has ACTUALLY been driving the decisions, has gotten old.

The B1G had different medical standards and a higher threshold to feel comfortable playing we are making this so much harder than it needs to be.

The IVY League had a higher threshold than the B1G. It is what it is.

Reliable rapid testing, more data on how campsuses are handling COVID, readily available testing are driving this thing. The B1G wants players tested damn near EVERY day.

The SEC is comfortable with 2 times a week.

We may not agree, but that's really what it boils down to.


September 11th, 2020 at 7:01 PM ^

What I'm confused about is that the Flu has been around for a VERY long time. We still do not have a "cure". Covid, like the Flu, is also a virus. Chances of having a "cure", extremely unlikely. Chances we have to get an annual Covid shot like the Flu, pretty good. Covid will be here to stay so to speak, and will be a new norm that we will have to live with in daily life. After everything I have read, this is my current opinion on the near future on this topic.


September 11th, 2020 at 10:34 PM ^

You realize there actually is a flu vaccine? 

It's not a perfect one. But it's pretty effective in many or most cases.

You also realize that covid is roughly 15 times more lethal than the flu?

The flu-covid comparison is dangerous; it was debunked long ago. Even Trump admits it (except when talking to the American people).




September 11th, 2020 at 11:32 PM ^

You are answering with a vaccine, with which I agree. Not perfect, but "helps". And Covid being more dangerous has been ridiculously covered everythere. I'm unsure if you understood that my point is that they both viruses and essentially vaccines will help but not cure. It's only a helpful defense mechanism shot in your arm annually, and hope you don't get said virus. Many people do get the flu shot and still get it. Most likely the same will follow with Covid.

Maize and Blue AF

September 12th, 2020 at 12:29 AM ^

The flu vaccine is a combination of the three to four most prevalent viral strains from the year before.  Because the influenza virus mutates so frequently, scientists cast the biggest net they can, hoping to prevent as many cases as possible.  At this point, COVID-19 is not mutating anywhere near as quickly as the influenza virus.  Let's hope it stays that way.


September 11th, 2020 at 6:45 PM ^

Well Sir Yacht just reported the same thing (again) I so guess it MUST be true (this time).

rob f

September 11th, 2020 at 7:09 PM ^

I see what you didn't do there. 

[Edit because I think it's important to make sure everyone knows and understands this, per Seth: "Sir Yacht" links are forbidden.

Here's the pertinent section of what Seth posted:

"REMINDER THAT SHARING TROLLS COUNTS AS TROLLING: Sometimes desperately lazy outlets hire trolls, or trolls who are good at social media build enough of a following, that they become a headache for us, spreading hate or falsehoods. Because having them repeated on our site can directly harm us, if you're on the message board you should be aware that posting something from them could get you banned. They are: SirYacht/Chat Sports/James Yoder - Fake news merchant who likes to make up plausible rumors or report non-sure things to get a false scoop."

rob f

September 11th, 2020 at 8:03 PM ^

In Seth's words, "... could get you banned."

Since I haven't been instructed otherwise, for the time being I'm going to post that link and Seth's quote whenever I see a violation.  In other words, get the word out that the rules have been updated. Then in the near future I'll likely be enforcing it with a direct warning to the guilty party, followed with a ban. 

rob f

September 11th, 2020 at 8:26 PM ^

I'd have to run that idea by Seth and/or Ace.

From what I know and have seen, I do have some limited access to email addresses as long as the MGoUser used their legit email addy when they signed up.  In my own particular case, I no longer use the one I provided when I created my MGoAccount nearly 10 years ago. 

But I'm also well aware that some use fictitious email addresses, too. 

For now, all I can do is post a reply to their offending post, or, as I did yesterday, edit in on the post itself.  The burden is then on them and it's up to them to read the warning.  


September 11th, 2020 at 10:41 PM ^

It’s has to be hard right? Moderating a board that for 11 years has proclaimed no politics, even though it has. Then to run by the posts by Ace and Seth when you already know the answers. Woof. We use to interview people on this site and create content.  Now we ban and beg away as if mgopoints meant something. 

rob f

September 12th, 2020 at 12:53 AM ^


And thank-you too, mGrowOld.  That's exactly why I thought this to be the best way to handle situations involving Seth's updated rules for the time being and near future. 

I 100% support the new rules, but just as with you, I doubt most folks on the MGoBoard yet know about the update.