META: The official MGoBlog app doesn't work

Submitted by taistreetsmyhero on

Like several others, I spent significant portions of my days reading and posting on this blog using the HD app.

As is, the official MGoBlog app is unusable.

I'll only be using my computer to access this site now. And, since I feel like nobody cares about the user experience, I will be doing the only thing I can to protest: I'm turning on Ad Block until a usable MGoBlog app is created.

edit: obviously I'm being melodramatic, but this is more the straw that broke the camel's back than an obsession over the HD app.


January 31st, 2017 at 10:23 PM ^

I'm using MgoFeed on Twitter, subscribing to tweets and using Twitter to view links. I'm barely looking at anything but titles now. The official app won't load at all for me.


January 31st, 2017 at 10:25 PM ^

I use a Windows phone. Never had the option to use the app. At least I don't think so. Always used the browser. Worker fine but I am sure I am missing some nice features on apps.


January 31st, 2017 at 10:36 PM ^

99.8% of the meaningful content on MGoBlog consists of words on a screen. Needing a goddamn app to read them is like needing a positronic robot to wipe your ass.


January 31st, 2017 at 10:43 PM ^

Loads slower than 81% of websites.  A majority of visitors are educated.  A majority of visitors use it during work.  Ranked #5,943 by Alexa.  Other sites for your interest -

Best Western - #4,147

State Farm - #5,001

MLive - #5,194

Avon - #5,357


It works as well as you would expect for a free to click, free to use app.  The content is far and away better than any of the websites listed above.  The user experience is not the best.  This is however a capped market for mgoblog when you look at potential growth.  So if investments are going to keeping the information in my hands, I'll put up with delays and its quirky disfunctionality.

I'm not going to stop using the mgoblog Amazon link and will most certainly not block ads.  I do not like the official app compared to the HD version, but it won't stop me from visiting the website and using the app.  I still want the content because I'm a whore.


January 31st, 2017 at 10:49 PM ^

I have been using the app since the moment of its conception and let the record show I am so lost without it please it's also my birthday please bring it back dear Brian Seth HARBAUGH etc!!!!!


January 31st, 2017 at 10:54 PM ^

This site has great content but between the site crashes, the archaic layout, and now the removing of the app - the only good way to read the main page/board on iPhone - I'm out. At this point it's just annoying to interact here. I'll probably read front page content but I'll try and find a way to do that without perpetuating the laziness of Brian, et al. Adblock, etc.

Lee Everett

January 31st, 2017 at 11:04 PM ^

The HTTV Kickstarter got 79k out of its 30k goal in 2016.  In 2015 it got some 52k out of 30k.  In 2014 it got 37k out of 30k.

7k surplus->22k surplus->49k surplus.
1562->2082->2984 backers.

I'm not sure how that the excess was put to use, and that's besides the point: Brian doesn't have a shortage of fervent fans/visitors/consumers when a CONCRETE goal has been established, and in fact their number and generosity have been growing at impressive rates.

I'd wager that if moneys were raised SPECIFICALLY for perfecting an app and for a website overhaul, we'd beat that 163% surplus that was shown in the last round for HTTV.


January 31st, 2017 at 11:46 PM ^

I wish that was actually the "surplus". The book is a joint venture between me and Brian. The more books that are ordered the more it costs to make them. Also in 2014 we lost money on those. Anyway we decided long ago that if we are going to ask for Goodwill when we do the books that we shouldn't do it the rest of the year. Our main business is we provide free content that is paid for with advertising. I have never seen a dime from the apps, fwiw, so if somebody reads the blog in a browser with adblock software I still prefer that to someone reading it in any app because then at least you are seeing the blog as it is intended to be seen.

I Like Burgers

February 1st, 2017 at 12:43 AM ^

I can see why the book was a money loser in 2014, but I'm guessing things were much rosier in 2015 or 2016.  But if the main business is running a website, why do you guys spend so much time, money, and effort on a single use magazine that's obsolete fairly quickly?  Wouldn't it be better to spend all of that energy improving the main business?

For me, the reason I used the app was it was the best user experience for me.  If the experience was better on the main site, I'd be more than happy to do most of my reading here.

If the site had the ability to do polls, I'm sure if you put one up asking whether or not people wanted to support HTTV or site upgrades this year, it would slant heavily in favor of upgrades.


February 1st, 2017 at 5:58 PM ^

Every extra dollar over the target amount was used to cover costs? I am not sure why you are getting upset over the word "surplus". Especially when the proper word is "profit" lol. I am not knocking you guys for it because I think you deserve it. At the same time, we deserve a little more transparency from you guys about the direction of the site. Clearly, the status quo is not sustainable. Not only for us readers, but also for you and Brian from a business perspective. 


February 1st, 2017 at 9:40 PM ^

I've worked in publishing, & for printers.  Your sunk costs are the same for 1 book or 100,000.  After that the volume discounts on ink, paper, postage, & even labor increase until you hit a VERY high threshold.

I may be misremembering, but I thought your 2014 loss was all about your self-made shipping issues.

It's 2017 and you guys are web-based entrepreneours, ditch the one-off glossy Mag that takes so much time, sweat & money to produce.  I love the content on this site (obviously) but HTTV just seems oddly self-indulgent.

I realize the message boards are a very low priority to management, & thats ok; but a non funtional app, clunky design and poor servers are going to start costing you front page visitors sooner or later, then advertisers.  
It's like you guys decided that this whole "mobile thing" is some kind of fad thats going to go away, lol. 

Just some friendly concern-trolling.


January 31st, 2017 at 11:03 PM ^

Have always used HD until today. Switched to the official MGoBlog app today and it won't let me post comments. How will I share my meaningless opinions now?!?


January 31st, 2017 at 11:07 PM ^

It really sounds like between the site crashing constantly, the old layout, and not being forced to use an old app has really soured most users. What other UM sites rank well?


January 31st, 2017 at 11:26 PM ^

I love the content this app provides! But the damn mobile app never works! Even worse is when it's so incapable of functioning; I get all excited thinking something great happened, when in reality the site as a working/accessible app just sucks!!

Harbaugh's Lef…

February 1st, 2017 at 12:06 AM ^

I've been trying to use the "Official App" now for a few hours and it's just not happening. Rarely loading at all and when it finally does, it slows my entire phone down.

I wish the interface and design for the app, and in all honesty the site, could come anywhere close to the content we have here. Losing the "HD App" is a huge loss and a bigger hinderence having the great content being accessible.


February 1st, 2017 at 12:25 AM ^

i get that brian is trying to maximize his ad revenue in time for one of the site's most heavily trafficked days (NSD), but not having a viable backup was extremely short-sighted. i'd be peeved too if an unaffiliated app was siphoning my page views, but the official app is an unmitigated disaster and to force us moble users back to that the night before signing day is just asking for outrage.... unless of course this was all a clever ploy to either (i) pressure the official app developer to do what brian has been paying him to do, or (ii) lay the groundwork to announce a round of crowd-funding for an updated app.


February 1st, 2017 at 3:10 PM ^

HD app - C&D'd

"Official" app - useless (didn't crash, but won't load content)

Site - down from 1:30-3 on NSD.

Other sites?

TTB - resource limit reached

MLive/DetNews - eh

Freep - nyet (not since 9/1/09)

I haven't been to BigHouseBlog in 2+ years, but it seems to be the only one capable of providing M-relevant NSD news at this point.

Not great, Bob.